
  1. 应用实物期权法对旅游投资项目评价研究

    The Application of Real Options Method to Evaluate Tourism Investment Projects

  2. 旅游投资项目的产品化及营销策略

    Tourism Investment Product Proceeding and Corresponding Marketing Tactics

  3. 旅游投资项目效益和费用是旅游项目技术经济分析的基础。

    Cost-benefit analysis for tourism investment project is the foundation of its tech-economic analysis .

  4. 运用此模型对旅游投资项目进行效益预测,从而衡量旅游项目投资是否成功。

    Using this model to forecast benefit and measure the success of tourism project investment .

  5. 分析造成旅游投资项目的这种被动局面,固然因多种因素所致,其中可行性研究的欠科学性所造成的决策上的失误是重要原因之一。

    One of the important reasons is that non - scientific feasible research work results in many mistakes in decision-making .

  6. 究其原因,旅游投资项目不是一个来源于旅游市场,能多方面满足投资者需求的营销产品。

    However , it produces little effect because tourism investment projects are not marketing products that can satisfy the needs of investors .

  7. 旅游投资项目技术经济分析,是现代经济发展的需要,是理论和实践中亟待解决的课题。

    The tech-economic analysis of tourism investment project is the need of modern economic development and the problem to be solved urgently .

  8. 近年来六个旅游投资项目的陆续实施,推动了旅游的发展,为旅游反贫困提供了条件。

    At the same time , six tourism investment projects being implemented to promote the tourism development , and to provide anti-poverty conditions .

  9. 旅游投资项目的成功兴建对于项目所在地具有重要的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。

    The success of tourism investment projects has some good effects on the tourism destination . It can provide important economic , social and environmental benefits to the place where the construction of the projects is .

  10. 旅游投资项目具有与一般投资项目不同的特点,项目发展具有极大的不确定性,这使得旅游项目投资决策理论和方法与传统项目评价理论与方法有很大的不同。

    Comparing with general investment project , tourism one has greatly different characteristic in that the latter usually has much more uncertainty than the former , which makes decision theories and evaluation methods on tourism investment project different with conventional one .

  11. 通过研究旅游景区投资项目的性质归属和特点,综合考虑各种因素后对旅游景区投资项目财务评价的关键因子进行研究。

    By considering the characteristics of visitor attractions studies the key factors of visitor attractions such as the uncertainty analyses and risking appraisal and financial price .

  12. 我国旅游产业投资基金投资项目价值评估研究

    Studies on the Evaluation of the Tourism Industrial Investment Fund Porject

  13. 从为提高今后旅游投资决策水平以及完善、改进现有项目的目的出发,有必要对旅游投资项目进行后评价工作。

    INVESTMENT So it is necessary to improve the investment decision .

  14. 由于旅游开发特别是旅游景区开发所依托的资源具有公益性质,因而在对旅游投资项目的投资评价中,社会效益评价占据重要地位。

    Because the development of the tourism , particularly the tourist areas , relies on the resources of a public nature , social assessment plays an important role in the tourism investment project evaluation .