
  • 网络online travel
  1. 中国网上旅游市场量从去年起快速增长了30%。

    China 's online travel market volume has rapidly grown by30 % last year .

  2. 因而研究影响消费者网上旅游预订意向的因素,具有一定的理论和实践意义。

    Thus researching on factors influencing customers ' online travel booking intention has both theoretical and practical significance .

  3. 创新发展中国邮政网上旅游业务

    Inaugurate Internet Tourism of China Posts

  4. 此模型在2003年浙江省网上旅游交易会中得到了应用,并且取得了很好的效果。

    The model was adopted in Zhejiang Tourism Expo '2003 , and achieved a great success .

  5. 一些的知名的旅行社已经在网上旅游方面取得了巨大的成就。

    Some well-known travel agencies have obtained an enormous achievement in the aspects of network travel .

  6. 例如,该数字虽然包括了网上旅游服务,这一电子商务界最成功也是增长最快的行业之一。

    For instance , they exclude online travel services , one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce .

  7. 在网上旅游论坛中,“去新疆旅游安全吗”这个问题很常见。

    On online travel forums , the question " Is it safe to travel in Xinjiang ? " is common .

  8. 随着互联网时代的到来和网上旅游的流行,为中国邮政发展网上旅游业务提供了很好的机遇。

    The coming of Internet age and the booming of Internet tourism have provided a good chance for China Posts to develop its Internet Tourism .

  9. 由此,旅游网络广告、网上旅游、旅游网络交易中心、旅游网络预订和结算等越来越普及,旅游网络营销势在必行。

    Therefore , tourism advertising , online travel , tourism network trading center , tourism booking and settlement network is becoming increasingly popular , tourism marketing is imperative .

  10. 据权威统计资料显示:截止2009年底,网上旅游预订使用率的年增幅很高,发展趋势势不可挡。

    According to authoritative statistics : By the end of 2009 , the annual growth rate of Online travel booking is high , and the development trend is irresistible .

  11. 目前发达国家旅游者2/3的人已经实现网上旅游,而我国还没有非常完备的网上旅游全程服务的企业,即使有些企业有,规模也有限。

    Nowadays , 2 / 3 tourists in developed countries have traveled through net , but there are a few enterprises in china with the perfect on-line tour whole course service . Even if some have , its dimension would still be limited .

  12. 本文在技术接受模型的基础上,引入了感知风险,与感知网上旅游预订有用、感知网上旅游预订易用共同构建出消费者网上旅游预订意向的模型。

    Based on technology acceptance model , this paper increases an extension variable , namely perceived risk , and then builds a model of consumers ' online travel booking adoption with perceived usefulness of online travel booking and perceived ease of use online travel booking .

  13. 但是最近我更喜欢网上订票旅游,因为这非常方便。

    But recently I 'm more willing to book my trip online , for it 's very convenient .

  14. 我认为去哪儿有机会极大地改变中国人在网上搜索旅游信息以及消费旅游的方式。

    I think qunar has the opportunity to dramatically affect the dynamic of how online travel is researched and consumed in China , and partnering with Baidu in this way makes it more likely .

  15. 网上支付在旅游电子商务中的应用研究

    A Study on the Using of Internet Payment in Tourism E-business

  16. 随着信息革命的深入,网上营销成为旅游业发展的重要趋势,建立高效优质的旅游业网站将成为旅游业交易成败的关键。

    The development of digital technologies accelerates the website use as a means for marketing and transaction of tourism products and services , so to construct an effective website have been becoming a key factor for success of tourism marketing and transaction .

  17. 随着网络时代的到来,网上营销已经成为旅游企业发展的重要手段。

    With the arrival of cyber age , cyber marketing has become an important means of tourism development .

  18. 没有确凿的数字,但是有几十家公司在网上提供“生育旅游”一揽子计划,大多数公司位于上海。赵说,这个数字在过去5年出现飙升。

    There are no solid figures , but dozens of firms advertise " birth tourism " packages online , many of them based in Shanghai , and Zhao said the number has soared in the past five years .

  19. 但是我们不能说在网上前进或者在网上旅游,尽管它们的意思是上网。

    But we can 't say " proceed online " or " travel online ", even though " proceed " and " travel " mean " go " .