
wǎnɡ luò cāo zuò zhōnɡ xīn
  • network operating center
  1. 让我们考虑一项更大的挑战,网络操作中心的日常操作中一项更典型的操作:检索一组托管的Cisco交换机的当前配置信息。

    Let 's consider a bigger challenge , one more typical of daily operations in network operations centers : retrieval of current configurations of a collection of managed Cisco switches .

  2. 在某些情况下,如遇到新开局、交换机升级、例行巡检以及出现故障告警时,需要网络操作中心的拨测人员进行人工拨测的方式,进行呼叫,来检验线路情况。

    In some cases , such as encountered new start switch upgrade , routine inspection and failure alarm , dial test requires a network operations center staff measured manually dial call to test the line .

  3. 如果是网络操作中心的操作员,您会想:“什么时候会看到红灯,表示需要修复某些内容或者需要安排某个服务?”

    If you 're the operator in the network operations center , you think : " When will we see a red light that means something needs to be fixed and a service call placed ?"

  4. 中国电信乌鲁木齐网络操作维护中心是网络运行安全的第一责任人,它担负着全市本地网的网络监控。

    Urumqi network operation and maintenance center is the safe operation of the network of person of the first responsibility , it bears the local network monitoring .

  5. 应用头脑风暴法将搬迁项目中的所有风险识别出来,然后用专家打分法对所有识别风险进行评估,最后提出网络操作维护中心搬迁项目风险的应对和监控。

    Application of brain storming the relocation project all risks identified , then using expert scoring method for all identified risk assessment , finally put forward the network operation and maintenance center relocation project risk measure and control .

  6. 在结合本单位实际情况章节,首先将搬迁项目做一简述,提出了搬迁项目风险管理的目标,提出了网络操作维护中心风险管理流程。

    In combination with the actual situation of the unit sections , the relocation project to make a brief , removal was proposed the goal of project risk management , puts forward the network operation and maintenance center of the risk management process .

  7. 尤其在网络操作维护中心搬迁过程中,如何使网络不中断,不影响用户业务,及时响应用户需求,使我们顺利搬迁是重点也是难点。

    Especially in the time of network operation and maintenance center relocation process , how to make the network is not interrupted , the user does not affect the business , timely response to customer needs , we smooth the relocation is a key and difficult problem .