
  • 网络Internet payment;Online payment;net payment
  1. 余额宝允许用户将存放于第三方网络支付平台&支付宝(Alipay)中的资金投资于货币市场基金。

    Yu ' E Bao allows users to invest their money stored in the third-party online payment service Alipay into a money-market fund .

  2. 该行在同一则公告中似乎把责任推给了阿里巴巴,称该行已经与阿里巴巴旗下的网络支付部门支付宝(Alipay)进行了长时间的沟通。

    In the same statement , the bank appeared to fault Alibaba , saying that it had already had prolonged communications with Alipay , the company 's online payment unit .

  3. 企业与消费者型(BToC)网络支付模式及相关安全技术研究

    Study on B to C Net Payment Pattern and Its Relevant Security Technique

  4. 基于Internet电子商务的网络支付是建立在开放平台上的,所以其安全性问题是最为关键的问题。

    Network payment based on Internet is founded an opening environment , so its security is a pivotal problem .

  5. 网络支付系统是电子商务体系的重要组成部分,具有快捷、高效、实时等优点,主要用来解决各交易实体间资金流和信息流在Internet上的即时传递及其安全性问题。

    Network payment system , mainly used to solve instant messaging and security of funds and information flows between trading entities on the internet , is an important part of e-commerce .

  6. 介绍了基于Internet网络支付体系的基本构成、基本特征、基本模式。

    Main research work in this thesis is as follows : ( 1 ) Introduction to the produce and defining of Internet payment , the basic structure 、 character and pattern about Internet payment .

  7. 讨论了网络支付安全需求及有关的密码学知识,重点对对称加密中的DES算法和非对称加密中的RSA算法、杂凑函数进行了分析,并给出了相关的实现过程。

    Discussion of the security requirements and cryptogram knowledge about internet payment , detailed the correlative conception of encryption techniques , emphasized a private-key system DES 、 a public-key system RSA and SHA , some encryption algorithms are afforded .

  8. 本文以大量的实际数据为依据,这些数据均来自于CNNIC,IDC,MARKET等中外权威机构或杂志,在此基础上对我国网络支付的现状进行了深入细致地研究。

    The paper carefully studies the present situations of e-payment in China and foreign countries on the basis of a large amount of data , which is taken from some authorized institutes and magazines like CNNIC , IDC and MARKET .

  9. 最后针对SSL协议缺乏一套完整的认证体系的缺点,采用了CA认证技术和数字签名技术来构建基于PKI和SSL协议的网络支付安全方案。

    Finally , aiming at the shortcoming of SSL protocol for lack of a complete set of the authentication system , CA authentication technology and digital signature technology are adopted to construct the security scheme of network payment , and the scheme is based on PKI and SSL .

  10. 安全问题是网络支付业务蓬勃发展的最大威胁,因此,本文着重研究网络支付的安全问题具有重要意义。本文首先描述了密码技术和公钥基础设施PKI等电子商务安全技术。

    Safety is the biggest threat for the thriving development of network pay business . So , the study of the security of online pay in this paper is of great importance . Firstly , e-commerce security technology such as cryptography and PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) is described .

  11. 同时,网络支付也与金融电子化息息相关。

    Finance electronization ( e-finance ) is also closely linked with e-payment .

  12. 网络支付协议的形式化安全需求及验证逻辑

    A logic for the formal requirements and verification of network payment protocols

  13. 简单网络支付协议的形式模型

    The Formal Model of a Simple Network Payment Protocol

  14. 最后,为第三方网络支付的市场退出制定合理的保障措施。

    Finally , for the third-party online payment market exit develop reasonable safeguards .

  15. 电子商务网络支付安全问题的探讨分析

    Research on Safe Problem of Electronic Commerce Network Payment

  16. 第三方网络支付的客户权益保护在实践中面临许多问题。

    Third-party online payment protected the interests of customers face many problems in practice .

  17. 基于校园网的网络支付平台及缴费系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Network Payment Platform and Payment System Based on Campus Network

  18. 一种网络支付手段&电子现金

    A Network Payment Mechanism & Electronic Cash

  19. 对若干网络支付技术发展的事实和评价加以介绍和分析。

    It introduces and analyzes the facts and evaluation of the development of network payment technologies .

  20. 为了推进网络支付、电子商务在中国的发展,我选择了本题目。

    I choose the topic in order to push forward the development of e-payment and e-commerce in China .

  21. 我们所要探讨的就是买卖双方与第三方网络支付机构关系的一个重点,即在第三方网络支付中的客户权益保护问题。

    We want to explore is a key institutional relationships between the parties and the third party online payment .

  22. 随着网上银行的迅猛发展,网络支付的安全问题也越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the increasing development of online bank , the security of online pay has become the concern of the public .

  23. 提出了电子商务监控体系应从网络支付体系入手,监控收入来源地、交易内容及货款的流量。

    Monitor system in e-commerce should start with the network payment system and monitor the source , trading content and payment flow .

  24. 它还规定,大部分商品必须实行七天退货政策,并且要求网络支付平台必须保护用户的数据隐私。

    It also stipulates a mandatory seven-day return policy for most goods and says online-payment platforms must safeguard users ' data privacy .

  25. 只有实现了网络支付,才能进行真正意义的电子商务虚拟交易,否则电子商务就只能停留在网上信息发布和搜索、初步意向达成和签署初步协议的阶段。

    E-commerce is not complete until e-payment is realized , otherwise , it only stays in the stage of information publication and retrieval .

  26. 结合我国网络支付的现状和相关文献,本研究设计了关于网络支付行为的调查问卷,通过对学生及上班族群体的实证调研,获得了调研数据进行实证分析。

    Combined with our online payment problems and related literature , Questionnaires was designed to get related data from students and office workers .

  27. 网络支付直是国内电子商务体系中的薄弱环节,越来越成为制约电子商务发展的一个关键因素。

    Network payment has always been the weak link in domestic e-commerce system and is being a key restrictive factor to development of e-commerce .

  28. 目前我国的第三方网络支付主要有两种模式,即支付通道模式与账户支付模式。

    At present , the third party online payment in China mainly has two modes : namely payment channel model and account payment mode .

  29. 自全球金融危机以来,行业结构急需调整,随着迫切程度加大,网络支付成为行业调整的有效工具。

    Since the global financial crisis , industry structure adjustment needed urgently , with increasing , network payment has become the industry adjustment tool .

  30. 其中账户支付模式中的担保型账户支付模式是目前第三方网络支付机构普遍采用的模式,也是发展最快的模式。

    The security account payment mode is widely used in the third party online payment mechanism , which is also the fastest growing mode .