
  • 网络Chat Room;CHATROOM
  1. 我在一个网络聊天室注册了。

    I registered in a chat room .

  2. 还有一个更极端的例子,2015年苗松涛化名苗小敏,在一个网络聊天室里结识了一名男子,随后他竟然和这名毫不知情的男子结婚了。

    In one extreme case , he even married his unsuspecting boyfriend who me met in an online chat room in 2015 under the alias Miao Xiaomin .

  3. Linux下用GTK+和MySQL开发基于TCP/IP的网络聊天室

    Developing Chatrooms in Network with GTK + and MySQL on Linux

  4. 由于以上优势,我们采用ASP来开发网络聊天室系统。

    As the above advantages , we use ASP to develop a network chat system .

  5. 用JavaSocket实现网络聊天室

    Java Socket Based Chatting Room

  6. 本文通过设计一个基于TCP/IP协议的网络聊天室,详细介绍了Java语言Socket编程及网络数据库编程的运用技巧。

    This paper describes how to use the Java Socket and JDBC database programming skills to implement a TCP / IP Web chat room .

  7. 在Linux平台下采用两种高级环境GTK+2.0和MySQL设计基于TCP/IP的网络聊天室,利用Linux操作系统的多线程技术和套接字编程技术。

    This paper introduces TCP / IP-based the chatrooms in network under the Linux environment with two advanced GTK + 2.0 and MySQL using multithreading technology and Socket technology in Linux .

  8. 本文首先介绍了Java的多线程技术,然后以开发一个多用户具有并发服务器的网络聊天室为例,论述了Java的多线程技术在网络编程中的应用。

    This paper firstly introduces the Java multithread technology , then the author selected the development of an online multi-user chatroom with a concurrent server as engineering application background , discusses the application in network programming of Java multithread .

  9. 日本最大的网络聊天室的流量显示,多数情况下,每台游戏机的拍卖会吸引约100人出价。这些出价者都是3天前未能在PS3东京发售会上买到该游戏机的人。

    In most cases , the auctions attracted about 100 bidders each – people who , according to the traffic on Japan 's biggest internet chatrooms , had tried and failed to buy the machine when it went on sale in Tokyo three days ago .

  10. 所以,即使最怕羞的人也可能成为网络聊天室的明星。

    So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star .

  11. 网络聊天室中的“中-英”语码转换现象研究

    Chinese-English code switching in chat Room of computer - mediated discourse

  12. 浅析网络聊天室网名的写作特点

    On Characteristics of IT Names in Chat Room on Line

  13. 网络聊天室给人们提供了上网聊天的机会。

    The IT chat room provides people chances to chat on internet .

  14. 加入网络聊天室与他人互动,多提有意思的问题。

    Hangout on interesting IRC Chatrooms . Ask interesting questions .

  15. 我是在网络聊天室遇到他。

    I met him online , in a chat room .

  16. 但总体来说,人们觉得网络聊天室的好处还是大于其弊端的。

    Overall , people feel the benefits of chat far outweighed the disadvantages .

  17. 从话轮和话轮转换的角度对英语自然会话和网络聊天室会话的比较

    Turn and Turn Taking in English Natural Conversation and Conversation of Internet Chatting-room

  18. 后来我在网上找到了这个网络聊天室,

    And I found this thing online , a sort of chatroom thing ,

  19. 网络聊天室会话的语用策略探析合作原则和礼貌原则的违背与补偿

    Exploration of Pragmatic Strategies in Chatroom Conversations Violation and Compensation of CP & PP

  20. 网络聊天室中冲突话语的分析

    Analysis of Conflict Talk on IRC

  21. 这份报告揭示了蓬勃发展的地下经济在网络聊天室交易被盗的银行账户和身份细节。

    The report sheds light on the thriving underground economy where stolen bank account and identity details are traded in Internet chat rooms .

  22. 文章从语域角度分析网络聊天室语言的成因,并从词汇角度对中英网络聊天语言进行对比分析,总结其文体特征及文体效果。

    This paper analyzes the cause of its formation from register level , make contrastive analysis from lexical level and summarize its stylistic feature and stylistic effects .

  23. 这句话在网络聊天室里引发了如潮的评论。同时印有“我可不像你”字样的T恤、口杯、甚至婴儿连裤衫也掀起一股热卖风。

    The comment , the talk of Internet chat rooms , has spawned T-shirts , mugs and even baby romper suits printed with the words : " I 'm not like you " .

  24. 对于地下采矿从业者来说中国是最危险的国家,媒体报道不是很热烈,最值得肯定的反应都来自于博主和网络聊天室使用者。

    In the world 's most dangerous country for underground workers , media coverage was a bit subdued , so most of the positive reaction was left to bloggers and chat room users .

  25. 随着计算机和互联网进入更多的家庭、院校和企业,人们用电子邮件联系亲友或在网络聊天室里同他们聊天。

    With computers and Internet connections in so many households , colleges , and businesses , people are e-mailing friends and relatives all the time - or talking to them in writing in online chat rooms .

  26. 走进法国的网络聊天室,走上巴黎的街头,你会发现这个夏天的法国是一个正处于极权统治或公民崩溃边缘(或者两者兼而有之)的国家。

    Venture into the chatrooms of French cyberspace or onto the streets of Paris , and the impression this summer is of a country on the brink of totalitarian rule or civil collapse , or both .

  27. 摘要论文在简述中小型图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务现状的基础上,重点探讨了网络聊天室参考咨询服务的特点、利用网络聊天室开展虚拟参考咨询服务的方法及相关问题。

    Base on the brief narration of present situation of virtual reference services of middle and small scale libraries , this paper places the stress on discussing the distinguishing features of online chatting room reference services , the means of this virtual reference services and other related questions .

  28. 网络英语聊天室对二语习得情感因素的作用探析

    Analysis on the effect of web-based English chat-room on the affective factor of second foreign language learner

  29. 在混合式学习中,教师面对面的课后辅导、网络论坛、聊天室的答疑和讨论,都属于学习支持服务的范畴。

    In blended learning , the face-to-face tutoring from teachers , question answering and discussions in web forums and chat rooms are ascribed to the category of learning support services .

  30. 具体意思是在网络游戏或网络聊天室中,以图形的形式代表你的一个形象,而且这个形象是可以与其他人互动的。

    By typing in simple commands you could pick up objects and talk to other avatars , with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble above your head .