
  1. 这一跨境网购平台包括了eBay海外精选频道的上线,可以让中国消费者向美国eBay卖家购买商品。

    The cross-border platform includes the launch of an eBay store that allows Chinese shoppers to buy goods from US eBay sellers .

  2. 中国电商集团京东(JD.com)向国内竞争对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)发出挑战,推出了一个旨在为中国中产阶层带来国外品牌的跨境网购平台。

    JD.com has challenged China ecommerce rival Alibaba with the launch of a cross-border platform designed to bring foreign brands to the Chinese middle class .

  3. 公司预计,2015年收入将高达235亿美元——而去年销售收入仅为141亿美元。这个预测的基础是eBay市场、贝宝和GSICommerce全球3000亿美元的商务价值。其中GSICommerce是专为大型零售商创建和管理网购平台的。

    The company projected revenues as high as $ 23.5 billion come 2015 -- vs. last year 's $ 14.1 billion in sales -- tied to $ 300 billion in global commerce from eBay 's Marketplaces , PayPal , and GSI Commerce , the last of which builds and manages online shopping sites for big retailers .

  4. 从不同层次展开对网购平台侵权责任的论述。

    From different levels of the net buys platform tort liability is discussed .

  5. 阿里巴巴旗下的网购平台淘宝在2013年就被屏蔽了。

    Taobao , an online-shopping platform operated by Alibaba , blocked visits from WeChat in 2013 .

  6. 经济增速减缓将令中国中产阶级的钱包缩水,而中产阶级正是经常在阿里巴巴网购平台消费的主力军。

    Slower growth is expected to hit the wallets of the Chinese middle class , who regularly splurge on the company 's online shopping platforms .

  7. 并通过以上分析指出网购平台消费者权益保护目前存在的突出问题和重点难点。

    Through the above analysis , we can come to the conclusion about the prominent problems and the difficulties existing in online shopping platform consumer protection . Thirdly , we will figure out the reasons .

  8. 随着中国消费者对国外品牌及产品的需求量越来越大,亚马逊在美国、德国、西班牙、法国、英国和意大利等6个国家的网购平台都已正式对中国消费者开放。

    Six Amazon platforms in the US , Germany , Spain , France , the United Kingdom and Italy have officially opened for sales to Chinese consumers , who have shown growing appetite for overseas brands and products .

  9. 从立法层面上规制网购平台、商家、物流商的行为,健全监管体系;在司法层面上,逐步完善侵权责任的认定以及证据的保全制度。

    Regulation of the behavior of the online shopping platform , business , logistics providers on the legislative level , a sound regulatory system ; at the judicial level , and gradually improve the recognition of tort liability as well as evidence of the preservation system .

  10. 再次,在当前网购交易平台消费者权益保护中存在的问题的基础上,分析产生的原因,并对原因进行了论证。

    Based on in the current online shopping trading platform in the protection of the interests of consumers .

  11. 第三部分为网购交易平台提供商侵权责任的归责原则与构成要件。

    The third part is the network transaction platform provider of the principles of tort liability and elements .

  12. 家庭在线与麦客隆,大润发超市合作,成为其综合网购服务平台。

    Established strategic cooperation with Carrefour , RT-mart , Maikelong , and became the sole provider of its e-business in Nantong .

  13. 玲玲和张大奕则属于第二种类型,她们在中国某主要网购零售平台上售卖衣服和化妆品。

    Ling Ling and Zhang Dayi fall into the second category , selling clothes and cosmetics on Taobao , China 's leading online shopping site .

  14. 在提出对策、建议的同时,肯定了网购交易平台自身做出的消费者保障措施的意义,并就其对消费者保护的启示进行了探讨。

    Besides , it also recommends to affirm the significance of online shopping trading platform to make consumer protection measures discussed , and its revelation of Consumer Protection .

  15. 京东商城在中国是计算机,通讯产品,消费电子产品市场最大的网购专业平台,是中国电子商务领域非常受消费者喜欢和最具影响力的电子商务网站之一。

    Jingdong Mall is the computer , communications products in China , consumer electronics market is the largest online shopping platform , is the China electronic commerce is subject to consumers one of the love and the most influential e-commerce website .

  16. 首先通过两个案例的对比,对网购中网络交易平台的含义进行界定,并对其地位进行分析,把网络交易平台提供商与其他类似的主体进行区分,明确网络交易平台柜台出租人的身份。

    The first through two case contrast to online shopping , to define the meaning of , and the status is analyzed , the network transaction platform provider and other similar subject to distinguish , clear network trading platform rental counters the identity .