
  1. 介绍了利用Windows中免费提供的网络会议软件NetMeeting进行同步多媒体网络教学演示的方法。

    This paper introduces an economical and practical method of synchronous multimedia-aided teaching demonstration by using NetMeeting offered free in Windows .

  2. 实时协同工作平台、即时通信和网络视频会议等软件都是以多媒体客户端方式工作的。

    Real-time collaborative platform , instant messaging and web video conferencing softwares work in the mode of multimedia client .

  3. 网络办公助理是一种在计算机前即可发送消息,公告还可以进行网络会议的一款软件。

    The Network Operation Assistant is on sowing in the calculator , the front can immediately send out the news , announce can also carry on a software of the network meeting .