
  • 网络internet business;e-commerce;Net Commerce;e-business
  1. 网络商务信息资源管理的理论与实践研究

    Theoretical and Practical Studies on Information Resources Management on the Internet Business

  2. 第2章在总结信息资源管理的基础理论研究的基础上,探讨了网络商务信息资源管理的概念和特征;

    Based on the study of fundamental theory of the IRM , chapter 2 discusses the concept and characteristics of the IRM on the Internet business ;

  3. Web数据挖掘在网络商务领域的应用

    Web Mining in Internet Commerce

  4. 电子商务系统构架是一个在因特网(Internet)、企业内部网(Intranet)和企业外部网(Extranet)上的网络商务应用体系。

    E-commerce system is network commerce application on the internet , intranet and extranet .

  5. 在过去的二十多年里,Internet得到迅猛的发展,大量的网络商务应用、多媒体应用应运而生。

    In the past twenty years , Internet has developed with fast speed , and a great variety of applications upon the Internet , like electronic business and network multimedia , emerge as the times require .

  6. 阐述一个基于J2EE的网络商务系统的框架设计,它具有自动恢复和系统故障屏蔽功能。

    This paper presents a J2EE based on the framework design of an E-Commerce web service system that provides self-recovery guarantees and masks most of system failures .

  7. OBM价值网的构建是从传统的业务外包价值链向资源外包网络商务模式的开放式价值网转变。

    OBM value network constructing is transformation from the traditional value chain of outsourcing to the open value network of outsourcing-network business model .

  8. 印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)的网络商务经理霍利?凯尔(HollyKile)说:“我很喜欢把耳朵掏干净。”她说,她每天用棉签掏耳朵,每隔几个月用耳烛吸一次耳垢,她12岁的儿子也是如此。

    I absolutely love to have my ears cleaned , ' says Holly Kile , an online business manager from Indianapolis who says she uses cotton swabs daily and has her ears candled every couple of months , as does her 12-year-old son . '

  9. 网络商务声誉博弈新论

    A New Game Theory on the Commercial Credit of Online Commerce

  10. 基于指纹识别和数字认证的网络商务系统

    Online E-commerce System Based on Fingerprint Recognition and Digital Authentication

  11. 网络商务信息传播主体复杂性研究

    Research on the complication of subject in Net-commerce information transmission

  12. 从文章开始部分我们了解到网络商务。

    We learn from the beginning of the passage that Web business .

  13. 即保证网络商务活动的顺利进行,又使现有的《示范法》具有广泛的适用性,且不失商法的价值。

    So the network business activity will progress smoothly .

  14. 浅析网络商务信息采集技术的发展趋势

    Analysis on the Network Information Acquisition Technology Business Trends

  15. 有效的网络商务信息必须能够保证源源不断地提供适合于网络营销决策的信息。

    Effective network commercial information must be supplied continuously conducive to making E-marketing strategies .

  16. 它研究与网络商务有关的种种方面。

    It examines all aspects of business as they relate to networked and on-line commerce .

  17. 网络商务信息的他组织

    The Hetero-organization of Network Business Information

  18. 网络商务信息检索实用策略

    Skilful Search for Business Information Online

  19. 网络商务技术拓展研究

    Network Business Expanding of Technique Research

  20. 小型的商务网站是企业发布产品信息,进行网络商务洽谈和交易的空间。

    Small business websites is issued enterprise product information , negotiate and do business network space .

  21. 网络商务活动的风险防范

    Risk Prevention In Network Business

  22. 构建我国的网络商务案件司法管辖权制度应体现网络自身的特点,引导网络向自律健康的方向发展。

    In building up Chinese jurisdiction system , it is necessary to guide network 's sound development .

  23. 网络商务信息收集是指在网络上对商务信息的寻找和调取工作。

    Collection of the network commercial information refers to the search and access of the online commercial information .

  24. 情人节为虚拟礼物这种日益发展壮大的网络商务提供了火热的销售平台。

    Valentine 's Day has become a hot seller when it comes to virtual gifts , a growing part of online commerce .

  25. 追求经济效益是一切经济活动的中心,也是网络商务信息收集的原则。

    Pursuit of economic profit is the purpose of all economic activities as well as the principle for collection of the network commercial information .

  26. 在这种情况下,网络商务信息的收集必须目标明确,方法恰当,信息收集的范围和数量要适度。

    Therefore , the collection of network commercial information must be purposeful through proper methods within a certain designated scope and a proper quantity .

  27. 摘要当前网络商务欺诈现象日益增多,使得刚刚兴起的网络经济出现发展性障碍。

    Currently there are increasing instances of fraud in online business , which poses a great barrier to the development of the emerging online economy .

  28. 头等优先领域包括了显示广告(出现在网页上的图形广告)、手机广告以及网络商务软件。

    Top priorities include display ads , which use graphics and appear on Web pages ; advertising on mobile phones ; and its online business software .

  29. 尽可能地减少信息流滞后于物流的时间,提高时效性,是网络商务信息收集的主要目标之一。

    It is one of main objectives for network commercial information collection to try every means to reduce the time lag of information flow behind the logistic flow and improve the timeliness .

  30. 如通过数字水印实现多媒体内容版权控制,还有网络商务版权保护问题,其中基于密码技术特别是公钥密码技术的多媒体内容版权保护安全协议表现出了良好的性能。

    For example , numeric watermark technique can realize multimedia right control and network business right protection problems in which the cipher technique especially the public cipher technique that process multimedia right protection security protocols takes on favorable performance .