
  1. 基于策略的网络管理控制下的IPQOS业务接入控制

    Policy-Based under the Control of NM 's IP QoS Service Admission Control

  2. 具有柔性变址功能的高速带式分拣机网络管理控制系统研究

    Networks Control System of High-speed Belt Picker with Flexible Index Function

  3. 为节省资源,网络管理控制方式采用带内网管方式。

    It adopts the way of in-band management to control the network to save resources .

  4. 论文为网络管理控制系统提出了可行的总体框架方案,分析了网络管理控制系统的基本工作流程,深入讨论了多项关键技术。

    In this paper , the available collectivity frame scheme for the network administration and control system is provided , and the basic working flow of the system and the key techniques are analyzed .

  5. 主动网络管理和控制模型的研究

    Research of Active Network Management and Control Model

  6. 网络管理是控制一个复杂的计算机网络,使得它能安全、高效地完成所承担的工作任务。

    Network management make a complex computer network complete the task with higher efficiency safely by controlling it .

  7. 校园网安全网络管理是控制一个复杂的计算机网络并使它具有最高运行效率的全过程。

    The network security management is a process which is to control a complex computer network and make it operated highly efficiently .

  8. 但蜂窝移动通信网络的管理控制方式是集中式的,网络的运行要基于预先架设好的网络设施。

    However , because of the centralized management and control , the operation of the mobile communication network is relied on preexisted fixed network infrastructure .

  9. 论文的研究与工作不仅具有实际的应用价值,并且对EPON+EoC网络的管理控制方面的研究提供了一定的参考价值。

    Research and works in this paper not only has practical value , but also provide a certain reference value for research on management and control for EPON + EoC networks .

  10. 然而,由于技术安全性、内部管理、社会基础设施、网络管理成本控制等多方面的原因,全面实施网络财务还存在一些急需解决的问题。

    However , due to the factors such as the technical safety , internal management , enviromental infrastructure , the cost of network management and control , there are still some problems which need to be solved urgently to establish network finance completely .

  11. 电力负荷NT网络管理及无线控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Power Load NT Network Managing and Wireless Control System

  12. 基于802.1x协议的网络用户管理与控制

    Management and Control of Network Users Based on 802.1x Protocol

  13. 不确定环境下网络计划管理与控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of network planning management and control system in uncertain environment

  14. 实验测试表明,系统实现了诱骗网络的基本管理控制功能。

    Experiments and tests show that we realized the basic management and control functions of Honeynet in this system .

  15. 高速公路网络智能管理与控制的实践,迫切要求相适应的基础理论与实用技术。

    The practice of intelligent management and control in freeway networks urgently calls for the adapted foundation theories and practical technologies .

  16. 提出基于神经网络的货位管理控制程序算法并完成出入库管理软件设计;

    The control program algorithm of Storage Location Management based on neural network and the design of stock in / out management software ;

  17. 当企业全面应用计算机网络进行管理和控制的时候,将不可避免地需要解决网络中的安全隐患。

    When the computer network plays an key role in management and control , it will be important to solve the security defects in it .

  18. 该系统在广东裕华风扇厂的生产和管理中得到了应用,本文还研究了开发微机网络管理与生产控制链接的关键技术。

    The system has been applied to manufacture and management of Yuhua electric fan factory . The paper researches the key technology joining network management and production control .

  19. 仿真结果表明,网络中的管理控制域生成算法能够适应网络节点移动性的特点,具有可靠的控制域划分能力。

    Simulation output shows that , generation of control domain is commendably adapted to mobility of node in ad hoc network and demon - strates a good performance in domain partition .

  20. 计算机网络的管理与控制变得越来越复杂,人们对网络互连的关键设备&路由器提出了越来越高的要求。

    Nowadays , the control and management of computer networks becomes more and more complex , and we put forward more and more requirements on high-end routers , which is the key device in networks .

  21. 将工业网络引入管理和控制环节中尤为重要,不仅能够实现管理和控制一体化,而且还能节省系统设计、安装、维护的费用,提高系统运行的准确性、可靠性和工作效率。

    It is very important when industrial network is used on management and control . It can not only achieve the integration of management and control , but also save design , installation , maintenance costs and improve system accuracy , reliability and efficiency .

  22. 物联网应用系统是本文的重点,该系统由传感服务端、客户端、网络管理端和控制中心端四大软件子系统构成,根据不同的功能运行在不同的操作系统上。

    The Application management software system is the focus of this paper , which can divide into four parts : the service , the client , the network management side and the control center . These subsystems with different functions are running on different operating system .

  23. 在控制系统中应用SNMP进行控制系统网络管理可在实现控制系统网络的分布式结构。

    The use of SNMP in control system network management can exploit distributed framework of control networks .

  24. Schmidt表示他无法接受这种批评者的逻辑,并称谷歌同意对网络采取一定的管理控制措施,但运营商本身也应该下力气平衡自己的网络负载并努力为用户提供理想的无线网络环境。

    Carriers need to balance their network load and provide an ideal environment , Schmidt explained .

  25. 将SNMP(简单网络管理协议)用于控制,使监控现场的信号通过SNMP传输。

    SNMP is one of the most popular network management protocols . The SNMP protocol is used for control in this paper .

  26. 该文针对这种变化,参照Client-Server模型设计了将网络管理接口和连接控制接口整合在一起的网元管理服务器。

    To meet this demand , a network element management server scheme , based on Client-Server model , was developed by integrating NMI-T ( networks management interface-transmision ) and CCI ( connect controll interface ) .

  27. 分层网络管理结构中管理控制模式选择机制的研究

    Study of monitor model selecting mechanism for hierachical network management architecture

  28. 网络管理中的分布控制与智能

    Distributed Control and Intelligence in Network Management

  29. 通过各种政策的实施,美国已基本实现在技术层面,资源层面以及对网络管理层面的绝对控制权。

    Through implementing various policies , the US has achieved the absolute control in aspects of technology , resource and network management .

  30. 本文是在开发了网络型IC卡机房管理控制系统的基础上写成的,主要研究了机房的自动化管理问题。

    This thesis is based on " NETWORK COMPUTER ROOM MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON 1C CARD ", it mainly researches the problem of automatic management of computer room .