
  • 网络Network Loops
  1. MPLS网络环路预防算法研究

    Analysis of MPLS Loop Prevention Algorithm

  2. 本文采用网络环路延时(RTT)作为性能指标,对IP端到端网络进行了性能异常检测技术研究。

    This thesis uses the round trip time ( RTT ) as performance parameter to investigate the performance anomaly detection technology on IP end-to-end network .

  3. 交换网络环路是为交换网络提供冗余链路时形成的,环路的存在导致了交换网络中广播风暴的产生,致使交换网络的MAC地址系统失效,这是冗余链路所不期望产生的。

    The redundancy link of the switch network causes circle of network . And the circle causes not only the storm of the network broadcasting , but also the failure of MAC address system .

  4. 生成树协议与交换网络环路研究

    Research on Spanning Tree Protocol and Circle of Switch Network

  5. 一种基于分时的LEO卫星网络无环路由算法

    Discrete time based loop-free routing algorithm for LEO satellite networks

  6. 桁架网络的环路分析

    The Circuit Analysis of Truss Networks

  7. 该芯片采用快速响应的的电流控制模式,内置的优化校正网络使环路更易于设计。

    The current mode control provide fast transient response and cycle-by-cycle current limit , the internal optimized compensation network make the loop easy to design .

  8. 详细介绍了该系统主要模块和数据库的设计,并解决了诸如条件概率的动态存储、网络无环路检测、网络优化显示和条件概率调整等难点。

    The main module of this system and databases ' design is discussed in detail and solves technical difficulties like dynamic storage conditional probability , detection of network loop , network optimized display , conditional probability adjustment , and other technical difficulties as well .

  9. ATM上应用MPLS技术网络中的环路控制机制

    Loop Control Mechanisms of MPLS Networks Applied on ATM

  10. MPLS网络中LSP环路处理方法研究

    Research on LSP Loop Processing Method in MPLS Networks

  11. 但同时将网络引入控制环路,也产生了一些不可避免的问题,其中最主要的问题就是网络产生的延时和数据包丢失。

    But at the same time , the network introduced to the control loop will induce some problems that can not be avoided , of which , the most important is the time-delay and packet lost .

  12. 无线adhoc网络中防止路由环路方案

    Scheme for Avoiding Routine-cycling in Wireless Ad hoc Network

  13. 首先,北京拥有发达的交通网络,5个环路和众多公路干线彼此相连。

    First of all , Beijing has a developed transportation network , supported by 5-ring roads and numerous arterial and connecting roads .

  14. 数据交换模块类似于二层网络交换设备,为有效防止网络环路的出现,需要在交换模块上实现生成树协议。

    Data switching module is similar to a network switching equipment in Layer Two , and Spanning Tree Protocol is needed to eliminate data loops in the LAN networks .

  15. MPLS网络不可避免地存在着形成标记交换路径(LSP)环路的可能,而ATM技术特点又使MPLS网络环路控制机制的应用受到一些限制。

    There is an inevitable possibility of an LSP forming loops in MPLS networks , and the application of MPLS 's loop control mechanisms is restricted by the ATM technological traits .

  16. 生成树协议在一般的桥接网络中可以从逻辑上切断冗余的网络连接,避免出现网络环路。

    The standard spanning tree protocol is frequently employed in a bridged network in order to deactivate redundant network connections and is intended for private local area network .

  17. 在分析传统卫星网络路由算法的基础上,提出一种基于分时的LEO卫星网络无环路由算法(DTRA)。

    Based on the analyses of traditional routing schemes proposed for satellite networks , a discrete time based loop-free routing algorithm ( DTRA ) for LEO satellite networks was developed .