
  • 网络maintenance engineer;Service engineer;Repair Engineer;Field Service Engineer
  1. 航空器维修工程师执照飞机场航空气象工程

    Aircraft maintenance engineer 's licence

  2. 阶段性勘察产品质量,发现故障时能独立修理,必要时向维修工程师通报。

    Inspect products quality periodically . Notify Maintenance Mechanic or Engineer for troubleshooting when necessary .

  3. 以达到有效帮助CT理论研究工作者、医务工作者和维修工程师加深对CT图像伪影的理解和正确快速采取措施矫正或减少图像伪影的目的。

    This will help the CT researcher , doctors and serve engineers to deepen the comprehension for CT artifacts , and help them to do the trouble shooting work more effectively .

  4. 通知所有相关的维修工程师对受影响区域中的设备进行检查。

    Inform all concerned maintenance engineers to inspect the equipment in the affected area .

  5. 这为电子仪器维修工程师提供一种检修印刷电路板级故障的测试手段和工具。

    It is a trouble shooting device for engineers to maintain electronic PCB ' s.

  6. 维修工程师:哦,我的天啊!我找到了。磁控管坏了。

    Repair Engineer : Oh , my God ! I got it ! The magnetron is out of order .

  7. 在魁省,该职业是不受规范的,但从事航空电子技术人员等需要飞机维修工程师执照。

    Mechanics , technicians and inspectors who install , adjust , repair and overhaul aircraft instrument , electrical or avionics systems on aircrafts .

  8. 维修工程师:很抱歉的告诉你,我没有带任何备件,我必须返回站里去取。

    Repair Engineer : I am sorry to tell you that I have not brought any spare with me . I must return to the station to fetch it .

  9. 这就是为什么,一方面,你会看到一个小小的职员、一个维修工程师乃至一个搬运工都有他自己的名片,而另一方面,部门头头如果他/她不和客户打交道的话却没有名片。

    That is why , on the one hand , you can see a small clerk , a service engineer or even a heaver with his own business card and a head of the department without such if he or she does not interact with clients .

  10. 直到把工作移交给基地维修控制员,航线工程师还试图自己完成工作。

    Until the handover to the BMC , the line engineer had intended to complete the tasks himself .