
  • 网络VILLA;VERA;Vela;Valar
  1. 维拉队刚刚从甲级联赛中降级。

    Villa had just been relegated from the First Division .

  2. 在下半场,维拉队持续进攻的打法为他们赢得了这个进球。

    The goal was just reward for Villa 's decision to attack constantly in the second half .

  3. 维拉回想起她婚礼日的情景。

    Vera cast her mind back to her wedding day .

  4. 他们都请维拉同他们一起外出,但是维拉却在等待,等她发现哪一个求婚者的钱最多!

    They 've both asked her to go out with them , but Vera is playing a waiting game until she finds out which one of her suitors has the most money !

  5. C:你好,我是维拉。我想大卫应该向老师求助。也许他妈妈会听老师的。

    C : Hello , I 'm Vera . I think David should ask his teacher for help.Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher .

  6. 西班牙电影《深海长眠》(THESEAINSIDE)获得最佳外语片奖。导演亚历桑德罗-曼巴和制片人费尔南多-维拉上台领奖。

    Director Alejandro Amenabar and producer Fernando Bovaira accepted the award for " The Sea Inside ," which won best foreign language film .

  7. 维拉滩更像一个家庭度假村,当地居民、房地产经纪人彼得梅森(PeterMason)说。

    Vera Playa is very much a family resort , says local resident and estate agent Peter Mason .

  8. 阿邦拉霍上半场的头球让维拉26年来头一回在OT赢球。

    Gabriel Agbonlahor 's first half header secured a first win for Villa at Old Trafford for26 years .

  9. 维拉周末晚上将造访OT,这也是球队繁忙的冬季赛程的开始。

    Aston Villa visit Old Trafford on Saturday evening in one of the toughest fixtures on the winter schedule .

  10. 教练告诉她,“nojump”(不要跳),但这名教练的发音实在太差,以至于维拉以为他说的是“快跳”(nowjump),所以她跳了下去,意外早逝。

    Her instructor told her , " no jump , " but his pronunciation was so bad the teenager thought he had said " now jump " so she leapt to her untimely death .

  11. 维拉诺瓦大学商学院(VillanovaUniversity'sSchoolofBusiness)开设了一门《理解后政府救助经济时代的全球市场》的公共课,教授们请来企业和政府领导人来讲解对危机的看法。

    Villanova University 's School of Business is offering ' Understanding the Global Marketplace in a Post-Bailout Economy , ' a team-taught class where professors bring in corporate and government leaders to offer perspectives on the crisis .

  12. 可能是出现在圣塔玛莉亚诺维拉香水制造厂(OfficinaProfumo-FarmaceuticadiSantaMariaNovella)里,在这里选购甜美的玫瑰水和古老的中药制剂,是种近乎于宗教性质的体验。

    It could happen at the Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella , where shopping for sweet rosewater and ancient herbal elixirs is a near-religious experience .

  13. Campbell负责客户与消费者洞察事务的副总裁查尔斯?维拉(CharlesVila)称,该公司把大约25%的消费者戏称为被迫一厢情愿的食客。

    Campbell 's dubs about 25 % of consumers ' constrained wishful eaters , ' says Charles Vila , vice president of customer and consumer insights for Campbell .

  14. 联赛领头羊在埃弗顿只取得了平局,这让他们还领先曼联3分。上半场阿邦拉霍的头球让维拉在OT取胜。

    The league leaders could only manage a draw at home to Everton , leaving them just three points in front of the Reds , but Gabby Agbonlahor 's first half header earned Villa a famous win at Old Trafford .

  15. 纽约的亚裔美国人维拉(Voila)说:“说真的,我们能不能别再发牢骚了?我们(大部分人)

    Voila from New York , who identifies as Asian-American , said : " Seriously , can we stop with the whining already ? We are ( mostly )

  16. “铁锤帮”主教练阿兰•柯比什利仍然知道他是未来(比赛)的主角而且他决定对批评他的人保持沉默,并将要在厄普顿(Upton)公园以良好的姿态来迎战维拉。

    Hammers boss Alan Curbishley has seen his future become the subject of conjecture and he will be determined to silence the critics at Upton Park with a good show against Villa .

  17. 2015年,维拉在坎塔布里亚的CabezondelaSal大桥参加蹦极时,身上拴着绳子,但绳子另一端却没有系在桥上。

    Vera Mol had a rope attached to her , but it wasn 't tied to the bridge when she took part in the popular adrenaline-fuelled activity on the bridge of Cabezon de la Sal in Cantabria back in 2015 .

  18. 所以,现在阿尔维拉设计萨勒曼在多达三部电影-达累斯萨拉姆马扎Ishq,合作伙伴和巴武尔。

    So Alvira is now designing for Salman in as many as three films – Salaam-e-Ishq , Partner and Babul .

  19. 维拉:这些不会突显我的完美身材。

    Vera : These don 't show my shape at all .

  20. 每当他们争吵时,维拉总扬言要出走。

    Every time they quarrel , Vera always threatens to leave .

  21. 我希望维拉一直在给你解闷?她说。

    " I hope Vera has been amusing you ?" she said .

  22. 维拉对音乐感兴趣,而杰伊爱好体育。

    Vera is interested in music and Jay is fond of sports .

  23. 梅格森将接管周日对阵阿斯顿。维拉的比赛。

    Megson will take charge for sunday 's match against Aston villa .

  24. 维拉:我就等着了。

    Vera : I 'll be looking forward to it .

  25. 同时高级学者可以学习一些维拉。罗伯茨的教材。

    Also for advanced guitarists some of the Villa-Lobos etudes are great .

  26. 格雷格•邦纳是维拉诺瓦大学的市场学教授。

    Greg Bonner is a marketing professor at Villanova University .

  27. 随后,这一协会的圣约翰斯分会被命名为维拉柏林协会。

    John 's branch of that association was called the Vera Perlin Society .

  28. 我说的是你,维拉第司拉夫阿尔伯特维奇。

    I am talking about you , Vladislav albertovich .

  29. 他感到想维拉女士讲述事实是他的责任。

    He felt it his duty to mention the fact to miss vera .

  30. 维拉:舒适不是我想要的。

    Vera : I 'm not going for comfort .