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  1. 佩林和麦凯恩星期三共同在北维州一个集会上露面。

    Palin and McCain appeared together Wednesday at a rally in northern Virginia .

  2. 他说,维州的第二波疫情由工作场所感染引起。

    He says the state 's second wave is being driven by workplace infections .

  3. 公共牙医诊所遍布维州各处。

    Public dental clinics are located throughout victoria .

  4. 获取第三方共同筹资之前,维州交通部规划,调度和工程日期。

    Obtain third party co-funding prior to VDOT programming , scheduling , and engineering date .

  5. 显示在运输(维州交通部)弗吉尼亚州署的所有最终的隔音屏的设计网站。

    Display all final noise barrier designs on the Virginia Department of Transportation ( VDOT ) Web site .

  6. 维州平等机会委员会为一场明信片运动对新工作场所法作出了响应。这场运动鼓励员工提出反歧视要求。

    The Victorian Equal Opportunity Commission has responded to the laws with a postcard campaign encouraging workers to pursue anti-discrimination claims .

  7. 维州的政界人士正在设法阻止关闭联合部队司令部,恐怕不会有任何结果。

    Virginia politicians are fighting the closure of the Joint Forces Command but may not be able to do anything about it .

  8. 大家在体验维州众多的收藏与文化的同时,他感觉到了一个好的建筑设计带给人们的从未有过的空间感受。

    While enjoying the collection and culture in display , the Visitors also can experience a new space feeling from a great design .

  9. 介绍了维州公有林业的主管机构及其职能、天然林资源管理及规划、公有人工林管理及改革,探讨了其林业发展政策及存在的问题。

    The administration and its function of Victoria 's public forestry , the resource management and planning of natural forest , the management and its reforming of public plantations are described . The policies of forestry development and the problems existed are discussed .