
  • 网络Out-of-band management;out of band management;out of band;OOB
  1. 基于带外管理技术的新型远程TDCS/CTC维护系统

    A New Remote TDCS / CTC Maintenance System Based on out-of-band Management Techniques

  2. 智能电源分配单元是带外管理设备中的重要组成部分,用于对网络设备的电源进行集中管理。

    Intelligent Power Distribution Unit is an important component of out-of-band management devices for centralized management of the power supply of network devices .

  3. 传统的带外管理都是使用本地维护的方式,这种方式效率低而成本高。

    Local maintenance is the traditional out-of-band management approach with low efficiency and high cost .

  4. 这些机器应该有远程带外管理包括,提供全面串口接入,远端电源开关。

    These machines should have remote out of band management included , offering full serial console access and remote power switch .

  5. 从SDH网络管理组织模型对SDH网管方式及存在问题进行了探讨,并提出采用本地终端集中监控做为SDH网络的带外辅助管理手段。

    This paper discusses the system of SDH network and its existent problem . It points out that using local terminal supervision to help the management of SDH network .

  6. 另外,本课程中还将与大家一起分享一些在设计带内和带外管理时应注意的事项,以及用于思科网络管理的安全协议。

    Design considerations for in-band and out-of-band management are shared , along with secure protocols for managing Cisco networks .

  7. 整个论文着重研究分布式以太网交换机软件系统的组成,特别是其中的关键模块:带外通道、板管理、热插拔、热备份。

    The emphasis of the paper is the software system of the switch , especially the important models named out-band channel , board management system , hot plug-hot pull and hot backup .

  8. 对网络的管理分为带内管理和带外管理两种方式。

    The management of the network is divided into in-band management and out-of-band management .

  9. 带内管理用于网络正常的情况下对于网络的管理,一旦网络瘫痪就需要使用带外管理方式来维护网络设备,以修复网络故障。

    In such case , out-of-band management can be applied to maintain the network in order to recover the network fault .