
  • 网络Belt Drive
  1. 第二部分重点介绍了带传动实验装置的基本结构、工作原理。

    In chapter two , we introduce the fundamental structure and operating principles of the parameter measure of belt drive .

  2. 本文对该带传动参数测量系统从各个方面进行了介绍。

    In this paper , we completely introduce the parameter measure of belt drive system in the following four sections .

  3. 机器轮子是用无极带传动的。

    Wheels are in a machine driven by an endless belt .

  4. 改进ART网络的V带传动带型选择

    An improved ART network for type selection of V belt transmission

  5. 基于Web的V带传动CAD系统

    The computer aided design system based on Web for V-belt transmission

  6. 基于VISUALBASIC的V型带传动的常规设计与优化设计的比较研究

    Study of Comparison between Normal and Optimization Design of V-Belt Based on Visual Basic

  7. WINDOWS环境下带传动设计CAD软件的研究及实现

    Research and Realization of CAD on Belt Drive under Windows Environment

  8. 用Excel2000实现普通V带传动辅助设计计算的方法

    Computer Aided Design Method of Normal V-belt Transmission by Excel 2000

  9. 普通V带传动极限速度和最佳速度计算

    Calculation of Classical V Belt Drives Limit Velocity and Optimum Velocity

  10. V型带传动中带速的选择原则

    The Principle of Selecting the Belt Velocity in the VBelt Transmission

  11. V带传动弹性性质与承载能力的分析

    The Analysis of V Belt Driving Elasticity Nature and Carrying Capacity

  12. 计算V带传动当量摩擦系数影响角的研究

    Study on calculating influential angle of equivalent friction coefficient of V-belt drive

  13. 基于网络的V带传动设计系统的开发

    The development of designing system for V-belt drives on network

  14. 窄V带传动系统可靠性分析与设计

    Reliability analysis and design of the narrow V type belt drive system

  15. 一种V带传动当量摩擦系数计算的修正方法

    A Method for Correcting Formula of V-belt Equivalent Friction Coefficient

  16. V带传动可靠性优化设计方法研究

    Research on Reliability-Based Optimum Design Procedure for Type - V Belt Transmission

  17. V带传动常规设计的Matlab可视化编程实现

    General Design of V Cincture Transmission Based on Matlab

  18. 基于Matlab的低矮式破碎机V带传动模糊优化设计

    Fuzzy Optimization Design for the V-belt Transmission of Low-profile Crusher Based on Matlab

  19. 新型平顶圆弧齿同步带传动的CAD及带齿强度分析

    CAD for New Type Flat-top Arc Teeth Synchronous Belt Transmission and the Teeth Strength Analysis

  20. 石油机械中窄V带传动的CAD程序

    Programing for narrow V-belt drives in petroleum machinery

  21. V带传动初拉力的测量

    Measuring the Initial Tension of V-Belt Drives Visiting Dunhuang for the first time

  22. V带传动自动选型程序化处理

    Program Processing for V belt Driving Automatic Model Selection

  23. V带传动预紧力的精确计算

    Accurate Calculation for the Advance Tension of V-belt Drive

  24. V形带传动的CAD设计系统

    A CAD System for V-belt Transmission Design

  25. 基于Web的带传动设计与查询系统是利用互联网进行机械设计的新型的机械设计方法。

    The system of intelligentized navigation belt transmission design based on web that is a new mechanic design way by using Internet .

  26. V带传动额定功率及其增量数表处理程序化方法

    Program Processing Method for V belt Driving Rated Power and Its Incremental Data Table

  27. V带传动中初拉力稳定性研究

    Study of V-belt Initial Tension Stability in Driving

  28. V带传动中附加摩擦力的研究

    Research on additive friction in V belt driving

  29. 普通V带传动带速的合理选择

    Reasonable Belt Speed Selection of Classical V-belt Drives

  30. 作者以VISUALBASIC为开发工具,已基本完成了WINDOWS环境下带传动设计CAD软件的研制。并将对开发过程进行总结,同时提出进一步的发展方向和展望。

    Visual Basic software is applied to facilitate the research on belt driving design CAD software in under Windows environment .