
  1. AVM、ADO等两个位于带状区腹侧部的新发现的小核团亦可观察到阳性细胞和突起。

    A few cell bodies and processes in the two newly found nuclei , the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus ( AVM ) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus ( ADO ), were also labeled .

  2. 因而提出:似带状区还相对富晶格金。

    It is proposed that the bandlike areas are also relatively rich in lattice bound Au .

  3. 通过试验分析,首次在灰铸铁型材断面上观察到球状石墨的带状区,并对这种带状组织及成因进行了分析探讨。

    This paper analyses the band structure with nodular graphite that was first found on the cross section of the gray iron bar in the experiment .

  4. 发现在大鼠、人胎儿和猴的延髓内都存在一条位于中、尾段的弧形带状区。

    As a result , an arch-shaped area was found to be situated in the middle-caudal medulla oblongata in the rat , monkey , and human fetus .

  5. 沿海岸一片带状工业区已发展起来。

    Along the coast , an industrial fringe had already developed .

  6. 铁路带状测区GPS高程转换方法的研究

    A Study on Transformation of GPS Geodetic Height for Railway Belt Area

  7. TLD注射例在L6和骶髓DCN及中间带(IM)出现由标记细胞和终末形成的带状标记区。

    When the unilateral TLD was injected the labelled cells and terminals were found in the DCN and bilateral intermediate zone ( IM ), and formed a band of labelled neurons and terminals .

  8. 但长峰河口与九龙河口之间区域仍存在一条窄带状冲刷区,长期作用下,该处将形成一条冲沟。

    But there are a banding erosion area between the estuary of Changfeng River and Jiulong River and is possible to form a gully in the area .

  9. 结果表明,长峰河口与九龙河口之间存在侵蚀区,其位置与冲淤环境数值模拟结果中带状冲刷区的位置相吻合。

    It is showed that there is a erosion area between the estuary of Changfeng River and Jiulong River which is corresponding to the position of the erosion area of the simulation result .

  10. 冷涌爆发后,斧形干区南压过程中演变为倒T形干区,之后倒T形干区转变为西南东北向的带状干区进入南海海面。

    After outbreak , the axe-shape arid region is turning into the inverted T shape as moving to south , followed by turning to southwest-northeast zonal arid region and moving to South China Sea .

  11. HE染色、Masson三联染色及PAS染色显示:LASEK组术后24小时未见明显的无细胞带(acellularzone),浅层胶原融合,中性粘多糖呈带状覆盖切削区;

    HE stain and Masson - trichrome and PAS stain show that there is no " acellular zone ", the collagen in superior matrix is fused and neutral mucosubstances covered the shallow anterior layer of the corneal stroma in 24h after LASEK operation ;

  12. 条带状低阻区,ρ<300?

    For type 4 with low resistance strip ,ρ < 300 ?

  13. 本文根据文献对薄钢板试样的实验分析,提出一个平面应力的弹塑性断裂模型&带状颈缩区模型。

    In the present paper , a plane stress elastic-plastic fracture model-the strip necking zone model is proposed on the basis of the experimental results given by Schaeffer , Liu and Ke .

  14. 石油专用管中的带状组织对低温区CO2腐蚀的影响

    Influence of banded structure in special oil tube on co_2 corrosion behavior at low temperatures

  15. 带状的a相区与基体邻接。这两种反常组织是由第二段降温渗氮时γ/a界面反向迁移所致。

    The two abnormal structure result from the migration of γ / a interface in the second stage lowering temperature nitriding .

  16. 晶杆的电子密度较低,偶尔有带状高电子密度区、电子致密颗粒和电子透明小泡。

    The electron density of the crystalline style is low . Electron denser zone , high electron density granules and some electron lucent vesicles present somewhere .