
  1. PC销售的疲软多大程度上可归因于乔布斯(SteveJobs)及其手下做平板电脑的人们?带一点怀疑眼光看这个问题或许是值得的。

    Perhaps it is worth being a little skeptical about how much of these soft PC sales can be laid at the feet of Steve Jobs and his tablet computer acolytes .

  2. 你可以在肉汁中加入蘑菇和小洋葱,让这道焖鸡带一点欧洲风味,克莱本和他当时的副手皮埃尔·弗雷尼(PierreFraney)曾这样尝试过。

    You could give your smothered chicken some European flair with mushrooms and small onions in the gravy , as Claiborne did in his experiments with Pierre Franey , then his kitchen co-pilot .

  3. 带一点神秘感有利于你的好名声。

    It enhances your reputation if you 're a little mysterious .

  4. 在那个冬日,草是黄中带一点浅褐色的。

    The grass was a brownish yellow on that winter day .

  5. 他们会带一点弹跳。

    They got , like , a little bounce to them .

  6. 下次身边带一点(晕车药),以防万一。

    Take some with you next time , just in case .

  7. 她的政治观点是保守的,带一点自由主义的色彩。

    Her politics were conservative with a tinge of liberalism .

  8. 温暖,带一点咸,它是那么好喝。

    Warm , a little bit salt . it 's so wonderful .

  9. 他的口气尖厉,不带一点感情,说着还轻轻用手一招。

    He waved his hand slightly , his voice brisk and impersonal .

  10. 他英语说得不错,尽管带一点德国味儿。

    He spoke English well , though with a German twist to it .

  11. 我觉察到他说话时稍微带一点地方口音。

    I remarked a slight accent in his speech .

  12. 汉斯的英语说得非常棒,不带一点外国口音的痕迹。

    Hans speaks English beautifully , without a trace of a foreign accent .

  13. 他的头发带一点姜黄色。

    His hair was a bright shade of ginger .

  14. 更惨的是,我还必须要带一点表演。

    Worse yet , I had to act !

  15. 不带一点痕迹地离开。

    Just let you leave without a trace ?

  16. 他们发现欧洲的男子都带一点脂粉气。

    They find European males slightly effeminate .

  17. 我想带一点零食到莉莎家去。

    A : I want to bring some snacks with us to Lisa 's place .

  18. 办公室生活是如此沉闷,带一点戏剧性的故事,总是颇受欢迎。

    Such is the tedium of office life , a little drama is always welcome .

  19. 你可以用轻一点的耳环代替重的耳环或者尽量少带一点。

    Replace your heavy earrings with a lighter pair or wear them as seldom as possible .

  20. 内包装上带一点花卉图案,这样最适合我们的市场需要。

    The inner packing there is a little bit of flower design is best on our market .

  21. 卡雷恩说英语不带一点特殊的口音&你根本不会想到她的母语是爱沙尼亚语。

    Karen speaks English without a trace of an accent-you 'd never think her mother tongue was Estonian .

  22. 用盒上带一点花卉图案的硬纸盒包装,适合超市展销。

    Packing in cardboard box with a little bit of flower designs is suitable for display in supermarkets .

  23. 在说出我真正想表达的意思时,不带一点多愁善感的情绪几乎是不可能的。

    I found it almost impossible to say what I really meant without it coming out a mush .

  24. 一本带一点自传,却更注重于心灵成长,灵魂探索的一本书。

    A book is sort of autobiography , but paid more attention of mind growing and soul exploration .

  25. 用软布沾带一点肥皂的温水,时不时给你的植物洗个澡。

    Give your plants a bath now and then with a soft cloth and a little soapy lukewarm water .

  26. 或许我们会回顾一下过去工作中碰到的挑战,而且不带一点夸张的把它描述出来。

    We 'd probably fall back and describe a past work challenge that we may or may not be exaggerating .

  27. 与普通洋葱不同的是,它们据说还带一点苹果和亚洲沙梨的甜味。

    Unlike regular onions , they are said to have a sweet taste reminiscent of apples or Asian nashi pears .

  28. 麦迪逊:哦,我以为你会多带一点东西,嗯,比如顶级或奢华美食什么的,一点特别的东西。

    Madison : Oh , I thought you would have brought something a little more , well , gourmet or lavish , something a little special .

  29. 这分子是电中性的,但右边要带一点负电荷,而左边要带一点正电荷。

    The molecule is net neutral , but this right end is a little bit more negative and the left end is a little bit more positive .

  30. 信上的字体写得清楚…很干净,但带一点古体,使人想起是有些像德文字体。

    It was written in a script that was clear and neat but a bit Old English in style , its characters reminding me of German calligraphy .