
dài wěi
  • Bandtail;tip
  1. 带钢卷取带尾定位控制的PLC控制系统

    PLC System of Band Tail Locating Control Applied to Band Steel Crimping

  2. MOCVD生长GaN中带尾和激子发光特性研究

    Photoluminescence properties of band tail and exciton on GaN grown by MOCVD

  3. 退火对a-SixC(1-x):H薄膜带尾态的影响

    Effect of Annealing on the Bandtail states in a-si_xc_ ( 1-x ): h films

  4. 方法:将88例分为A、B、C、D4组,A组20例使用带尾丝活性IUD;

    Methods : Eighty - eight cases were divided into four groups . A : twenty cases were using active tailed IUD ;

  5. 高含量Fe掺杂的后发光重心中心变小归因于扩展态或者带尾态的Fe深能级附近的电子局域化,也部分地贡献给了光致发光的微弱的辐射跃迁。

    The slight change of the center of gravity of the PL after Fe-doping is attributed to the extended state the Fe deep level , which could contribute to the weak emission .

  6. 重掺补偿的P-GaAs的指数带尾和激光特性

    Exponential Band-Tails and Lasing Characteristics in Heavily-Doped Compensative p-GaAs

  7. 对于吸收边的蓝移,我们认为是量子尺寸效应造成的;对于带尾态的产生,我们则将其归结为AgI界面处存在的不饱和的悬键所致。

    The blue shift is due to quantum size effect and the band tail is likely to be caused by the unsaturated dangling bonds on the AgI boundary .

  8. 根据变温光谱结果,我们提出室温下的紫外发射的低能带尾是来自自由激子的一阶声子(1-LO)伴线生物质的发热量低,在燃烧过程中放热很集中;

    We think that the low energy tail emission results from the 1-LO phonon replica of the free exciton in terms of the photoluminescence spectra measured at various temperatures .

  9. 采用基于量子微扰理论的方程对于Urbach带尾进行拟合,得到与实验相符的拟合结果,拟合参数数值表明a-GaN具有宽的带隙、低的折射率和大的Urbach带尾。

    Fitting the Urbach tails by equations based of quantum time-dependent perturbationtheory , the results are quite consistent with the experimental data , which indicate that thea-GaN films have wide band gap , low refractive index and wide Urbach tail .

  10. a-Si:H带尾态的光致变化

    The Photoinduced Change of Bond tail States in a-Si : H

  11. 带尾钉素阳极帽的工艺开发和应用

    Technological Development and Application of Semi-product Anode Botton with Tail Pin

  12. 重掺杂还加宽了价带带尾。

    However doping has no obvious effect on the conduction band tail .

  13. 带尾缘吹气的叶轮机械内部流动和气动噪声问题的研究

    Investigation on Internal Flow Field and Aeroacoustic of Turbomachinery with Trailing Edge Blowing

  14. 高掺杂半导体中补偿程度和注入水平对带尾结构的影响

    Influence of Compensation Degree and Injection Level on Bandtail-Structure in Heavily Doped Semiconductors

  15. 采用磁力方法解决卷取带尾打折问题

    Application magnetic force method to resolution the problem of strip tail folding of coiling

  16. 纳米硅带尾态能量分布及其光学带隙

    The energy distribution of band tail states of NC Si and its optical gap

  17. 氧化锌薄膜的紫外光致发光的低能带尾发射

    Low energy tail emission of ultraviolet photoluminescence from ZnO thin films deposited on Si substrates

  18. 带尾支杆的超声速弹丸湍流底压计算

    Computation of the Turbulent Base Pressure of a Projectile with Tail Sting in Supersonic Flow

  19. 带尾座检波器适合在松软地表或沙漠地域地震勘探中使用和推广。

    This geophone with seat suits the field with soft surface or in the desert area .

  20. 掺杂对导带带尾影响不明显,掺杂造成光隙的减少是由于价带带尾单方面变动造成的。

    Therefore the decrease of optical gap with doping is due to the variation of the valence band tail alone .

  21. 带尾焰飞行体感应皮电流密度不同于无尾焰时的情况;

    The skin current density of the flyer with exhaust plume is quite larger than that of the flyer without exhaust plume .

  22. 根据带尾态的分布给出了晶粒子大小与材料电导的关系。

    Based on the resultant distribution of the band tail states the relationship is given between grain size and conductivity of material .

  23. 结果指出,在室温下该薄膜的电导主要由带尾局域态决定。

    As a result , it is found that the film conductance at room temperature is decided by localized state composition at band tail mainly .

  24. 另外,紫外-可见反射谱图的吸收边位置出现明显的蓝移现象,并有一定程度的带尾态出现。

    In addition , a blue shift on the absorption edge as well as the formation of a band tail is observed in the reflectance spectra .

  25. 介绍了在卷取过程中侧导板的位置控制和力控制功能对带尾塔形的影响。

    The influences of the side guides ' controls over the positioning and the force on the telescopes of coil tails during coiling are introduced in the paper .

  26. 本文介绍了带钢卷取带尾定位控制的工艺过程及由可编程序控制器完成该过程的系统配制和软件编程。

    This article introduces techonology process of band tail locating control of band steel crimping and software programing as well as system configuration about how to complete the process with PLC .

  27. 采用热卷箱技术解决了长期以来困扰热连轧生产线上由于带头和带尾温差太大而影响产品质量的问题,同时也解决了热连轧生产线过长的问题。

    By using the technology of the Coil Box , it was solved the problem that influencing the quality of the product with big difference temperature between the Strip head and the strip tail for a long time .

  28. 非定域π电子在带尾形成陷阱且陷阱能量在退火后降低,从而使更多陷阱电子在场增强热激发作用下进入导带并引起电流增大。

    The trap energy of the traps at band tails formed by the delocalized π electrons decreases after annealing , leading to the increase of leakage current due to field-enhanced thermal excitation of trapped electrons into the conduction band .

  29. 移动夹紧装置在驱动装置带动下可在其基座上左右移动,夹紧并带动被剪切的带头位移与带尾对接在一起。

    The movable clamping device can move from left to right on a base when driven by the drive device to tightly clamp and drive the sheared head part to move and to be butted with the tail part .

  30. 薄膜的致密程度、键畸变程度和悬挂键数目与其晶态比有关。提高晶态比可使一部分带尾态和带隙态分别转化为扩展态或消失。

    The density , the bond distortion and the number of dangling bonds decrease with the increase of the crystalline volume fraction , resulting part of the band tail states and the band gap states are transformed into extended states or disappear .