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  • 网络Daeso
  1. 深冲用超低碳冷轧带钢铁素体区热轧的现场试验

    Pilot Production of Hot Rolling in Ferrite Region for Cold Rolled Extra-low Carbon Steel Strip for Deep Drawing

  2. 事实上,Twitter和Facebook上数以千计的女性卸下妆容,拍下了自己的素颜照片上传网络,并带上标签素颜自拍。

    In fact the trend has taken Twitter and Facebook by storm with thousands of females wiping off their make-up and posting photos using the hash tag # NoMakeUpSelfie .

  3. 在上述浓度范围内,带潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(hpt)的Bt转基因水稻(克螟稻)幼苗均未出现中毒症状。

    All of the transgenic rice with hygromycin phosphotransferase gene ( hpt ) was resistant to hygromycin B , none appeared any toxic symptoms over the concentrations mentioned above .

  4. 利用Griffith准则和断裂力学原理讨论了带缺口的素混凝土和纤维薄板增强混凝土三点弯曲梁试件的断裂扩展问题。

    With Griffith criterion and principle of fracture mechanics , a problem of the crack propagation of plain concrete and fiber sheet reinforced concrete 3-P bending specimen is discussed .

  5. 带尾钉素阳极帽的工艺开发和应用

    Technological Development and Application of Semi-product Anode Botton with Tail Pin

  6. 农牧交错带土壤磷素动态研究

    Study on the dynamic of soil phosphorus in the transitional areas of grasslands and crop fields

  7. 我们悄然进入位于昔日公共租界(InternationalSettlement)的一幢现代风格建筑后,服务员把我们带至楼上的素餐厅,这儿的幽静私密包间几乎清一色用日式极简主义风格打造。

    We have slipped into a modern building in the former International Settlement and have been shown upstairs to the restaurant , where our quiet private room is decorated with an almost Japanese minimalism .

  8. 事实上,Twitter和Facebook上数以千计的女性卸下妆容,拍下了自己的素颜照片上传网络,并带上标签“素颜自拍”。

    In fact the trend has taken Twitter and Facebook by storm with thousands of females wiping off their make-up and posting photos using the hash tag \# NoMakeUpSelfie .

  9. 棉褐带卷叶蛾性信息素的立体专一性合成

    Stereospecific synthesis of the major components of the insect sex pheromones of Adoxophyes orana

  10. 带求导的3-素近环

    - prime near - ring s with derivations

  11. 结果表明:在变形带中,铁素体沿平行于剪切应力方向形成条带状亚晶,{110}晶面为变形条带状亚晶的滑移面,条带状亚晶内存在高密度位错;

    The results show that the subgrain structures of the ferrite-strip along the drawing direction are formed in the deformation bands of steel . The { 110 } crystal planes are the slip planes of ferrite subgrain-strip , and the dense dislocations exist in the subgrains .