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  • 网络mysterious culture
  1. 神秘文化与新时期小说创作

    Mysterious Culture and Creativity in the New Era Novels

  2. 新生代文学与传统神秘文化

    On Connection of the " New Generation Literature " and the Traditional Mysterious Culture

  3. 神秘文化在新时期小说中的复归

    The Reappearance of Mystical Culture in the Novels of the New Period

  4. 略论秦代社会的神秘文化

    The Mystic Culture in the Society of the Qin Dynasty

  5. 贾平凹小说神秘文化探源

    A Probe into Mystery Culture in JIA Ping-ao 's Novels

  6. 先兆预测:《水浒传》的神秘文化

    Omen Forecasts : Mystic Culture of Waterfront Heroes

  7. 占卜与巫术本是两种不同思维倾向的神秘文化,但作为占卜书的敦煌写本宅经却将巫术化的镇宅法移植于其中。

    Divination and witchcraft are usually seen as two different thinking tendencies towards mysterious culture .

  8. 论中国古代数学的神秘文化色彩

    Ancient Chinese Mathematics and the Mysticism

  9. 论中国神秘文化

    On Mystery Culture of China

  10. 巫文化是一种神秘文化,其影响表现于文学,就是文学的神秘性。

    Witch culture is a kind of mysterious culture and its impact reflected in literature is the literary mystique .

  11. 兴趣、爱好广泛,喜欢音乐、文学艺术,对天文、地理、自然、神秘文化等感兴趣。

    I like music , literature , and have interest on astronomy , geography , nature and mysterioso cultures , etc.

  12. 《史记》与神秘文化有缘,因为史官文化的母体是巫官文化;

    There is the cause with the mystical culture in Historical Records , because the historian-official culture 's parent substance is the witch-official culture .

  13. 通过实施文化深度挖掘策略,在旅游产品开发上找亮点,始终突出神秘文化的灵魂。

    Next , launch culture mining strategy to find bright points of tourism products , giving prominence to mystery as the spirit of the brand .

  14. 在中国传统文化中,神秘文化&方术,在相当程度上影响着中国文化进程和国人的思维方式。

    There is a traditional mystical culture in China & magic arts . Mostly it influences the development of Chinese culture and the way of thinking .

  15. 而且神秘文化是被司马迁当作一项政治内容载入《史记》的。

    What however , its more profound : the mystical culture is treated as by Sima Qian a political content to write down in Historical Records .

  16. 神秘文化出现在《史记》中有因,因为作为百科全书性质的《史记》,会收录那个时代很有影响的神秘文化。

    The mystical culture appearing in Historical Records has the season , because Historical Records as the encyclopedia can include the very influential mystical culture that time .

  17. 《水浒传》虽是写实性作品,但却大量存在着隐喻艺术符号,充溢着浓重的神秘文化色彩。

    Although Waterfront Heroes is a realistic work , it contains a lot of symbols of metaphoric art , and is full of intense colours of mystic culture .

  18. 神秘文化历来被排斥于科学的殿堂之外,其实,任何文化现象的出现与存在,自有其必然的理由。

    There has been no place for mystery culture in the sanctuary of science . In fact , any cultural phenomenon comes of itself into existence for their sound reasons .

  19. 千百年以来,流传在这里的民风民俗,民间信仰和神话传说形成了丰富的神秘文化,在中原大地远近闻名。

    For thousands of years , the folk down here folklore , folk beliefs and myths and legends of the mysterious formation of a rich culture , the land known in the Central Plains .

  20. 作为中国神秘文化的代表,《周易》的阴阳和气化学说对中国诗学有着深远的影响,其阴阳交感生化观与气化思想成为中国诗学的基本构成意识。

    As a representative of the mysterious culture of China ,, the theories of " Yin Yang " and " Qi " in " ZhouYi " have a profound impact on Chinese Poetics and become the basic constitute consciousness of Chinese Poetics .

  21. 探究司马迁记载卜筮的原因,除了卜筮在当时具有重要的政治地位以外,还因为司马迁想通过卜筮等神秘文化来实现究天人之际的写作目的。

    Probing into the reason that Sima Qian records divination , except that divination had an important political position at that time , because Sima Qian wanted to realize the writing purpose of " probing into the relation between god and people " through mysterious culture such as divination also .

  22. 中国是一个神秘的文化古国,在漫长的历史中产生了独特的审美心理模式。

    China is an age-old magnetic nation with particularly steady taste psychology mode .

  23. 同时向世界人民展示神秘东方文化,另一方面也保存中国传统音乐文化。

    Display mysterious oriental culture toward people in world in the meantime , also keep Chinese traditional music culture on the other hand .

  24. 每年,这里美丽的自然风光、奇的野生动物和神秘的文化都吸引着越来越多的游客。

    The natural beauty , precious wildlife , and mysterious culture attract an increasing number of tourists from around the world every year .

  25. 在批判中国本土神秘主义文化近一个世纪之后,神秘主义在文学作品里复魅了。

    After criticizing for one century of China 's native mysticism culture , the mysticism had been enchanted in the literary works in New Period .

  26. 鬼魅的审美效果主要受到广西神秘巫术文化传统和拉美魔幻现实主义中魔幻的影响。

    The ghastly aestheticism can be traced back to the influence by the mysterious witchery tradition of Guangxi as well as the magic in magic-realism of Latin America .

  27. 第二章横向对比了当代建筑设计中神秘性文化意境的营造,为文章的主体部分做了很好的铺垫。

    The second chapter of horizontal contrasts the mystique cultural mood of the contemporary architectural design to create , a very good bedding for the main part of the article .

  28. 在荒淫的社会中,他仍保留着纯洁与天真,而正是这份纯真使他与肮脏的富有阶级格格不入。神秘主义文化视域中的中西诗学本质合一论

    His innocence and idealism hinders him from fitting in with the degenerated society . An Inquiry into the Idealism of " Unity " Internal to Chinese and Western Poetics Against the Background of Mysticism

  29. 加勒比海的风光和神秘的玛雅文化深深吸引了你们?

    Were you sucked in by the Caribbean scenery and mysterious Mayan culture ?

  30. 在贝托鲁奇的电影生涯中,还有一个很重要的影片主题,就是神秘的东方文化带给他的东方遐想。

    Another important theme in his movies is the eastern view with the mysterious culture .