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  • 网络frieze;band;cordon
  1. 希腊罗马建筑中,这是一种额枋和檐口之间的水平带饰,通常饰以浮雕。

    In Greco-Roman architecture it is a horizontal band , often decorated with relief sculpture , between the architrave and cornice of a building .

  2. 布鲁明戴尔百货店(Bloomingdale's)男装部主管乔希・派斯科维茨(JoshPeskowitz)说,由带饰钉的橡胶制成且被Church's和Paraboot等高端鞋品牌采用的Dainite鞋底“是在湿滑天气里避免摔得颜面尽失的最讲究的方式”。

    A Dainite sole , which is made of studded rubber and is used by high-end footwear brands like Church 's and Paraboot , ' is the dressiest way to not fall on your face when it 's slippery , ' said Josh Peskowitz , men 's fashion director at Bloomingdale 's.

  3. 随着历史的演变,带饰的样式越来越为丰富,运用手法也逐渐趋于多样化。

    With the evolution of history , the type of belt is becoming more and more rich and the use of the belt trends towards more diversification .

  4. 带饰,作为中国古代服饰的重要组成部分,在古代人的日常穿着中起着不可小觑的作用。

    The belt , as one of the part of ancient Chinese clothing , plays an important role in people 's daily wear in the ancient China .

  5. 科林斯式柱型风格,较晚出现,采用带叶形饰的钟状柱顶。

    The Corinthian order , a later development , introduced lonic capitals detailed with acanthus leaves .

  6. 当华尔街顶级银行带着饰有误导性评级、晦涩难懂的产品来到时,这些资金充足的(德国)银行轻而易举地上了当,由此成为了一个陌生市场上天真的局外人。

    The cash-rich banks were sitting ducks when Wall Street 's finest came along with their incomprehensible products adorned with misleading credit ratings . They thus became naive outsiders in an alien market .

  7. 带描金边饰的堆花图案跃现于深蓝色底坯上,具有景泰蓝风格。

    Embossed patterns with gold foils in relief against the dark blue base appear in the style of cloisonne .

  8. 左斜带:从饰有纹的盾章的左上角到右下角的带子。

    Bend sinister : a band passing from the upper sinister corner of an escutcheon to the lower dexter corner .

  9. 他带着一个饰有浮凸的姓名首字母的皮公事包。

    He carried a leather briefcase embossed with his initials .

  10. 用粘合剂将防滑带连接至车顶饰板。

    Skid strips are attached to roof panel with adhesive .