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  1. 我国野象现况、历史分布和保护问题的探讨

    On the present status , historical distribution and conservation of wild elephant in China

  2. 奥巴马总统盼望美国像其他产业化国野这样启收一套辽阔的高速铁路体系。

    President Barack Obama wants the United States to join other industrialized countries in having an extensive high-speed rail system .

  3. 假如你们投我的票,我们将不只博得彼次竞选,还将一同转变这个国野、转变这个世界。

    If you give me your vote , we won 't just win this election & together , we will change this country and change the world .

  4. 我国RV野毒株G基因主要功能区核酸序列的分子差异

    Molecular Difference of Nucleotide Sequence of Main Regions of Glycoprotein Gene of Rabies Virus in China

  5. 西周实行的是宗族土地所有制,这与西周的宗法分封制有密切的关系,实行集体劳动,财产为宗族集体占有,对国、野采取不同的管理方式。

    Western Zhou Dynasty performed a clan land ownership , which had a close relationship with the patriarchal enfeoffment of Western Zhou . The collective labor and collective possession , property for families and different management style of the country and wild were implemented .

  6. 猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗与我国近年猪瘟野毒的免疫保护相关性试验

    Immunization with Attenuated Hog cholera Virus Chinese C Strain Protect Pigs Successfully Against Challenge with Virulent Field Strains

  7. 此外,并发现2株单克隆抗体对我国的全部野病毒株有高滴度的强荧光反应而对14-2减毒株仅有十分微弱反应,甚至无反应。

    Besides , two cell lines of McAb were found to react with all the 10 Chinese wild JEV strains to a high litre (≥ 1280 ) but very low ( 10 9.0 ) with 14 2 attenuated virus .

  8. 我国脊髓灰质炎Ⅰ型野病毒JX基因型特异RNA探针及其应用

    JX genotype specific RNA probe for China wild polioviruses and its application

  9. 据怨国一个迷信野团队称,每地吃一面拙克力能够落低口血管徐病的收病率。

    Eating a little chocolate every day seems to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease , according to a team of German scientists .

  10. 《人官夜报》道,固然佳国债务答题令人担口,但是佳元仍然是天下下的自要软通货,别的国野没有失没有接蒙。

    People 's Daily says that despite the debt concerns , the dollar remains the world 's dominant hard currency and other nation 's have no choice but to accept it .