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  1. 周公和召公立太子静为王,即周宣王。

    The Dukes of Zhou and Zhao enthroned Prince Jing as King Xuan .

  2. 他继续以吕尚为师,周公旦为辅,召公、毕公等人为主要助手,继续文王未尽的事业。

    With Lu Shang as teacher , Duke Dan of Zhou , Zhao and Bi as assistants , King Wu continued his fathers unfinished cause .

  3. 情急之下,召公只得将自己的儿子顶替太子交了出去,这才保住了太子的性命。太子静就是后来的宣王。

    At this critical moment , the Duke made his own son take the place of the prince , thus saving the heir who later became King Xuan .

  4. 周初历史上,在政治地位、历史功绩、德政思想对孔子和儒家影响方面,与周公影响齐名的还有一人,就是召公。

    SHAO Gong is as important as ZHOU Gong in political position , achievements in history , benevolent rule thought as well as influence on Confucius and Confucianism in the early Zhou Dynasty .

  5. 《诗经·召南·甘棠》、《行露》两篇(《国风》)反映了召公巡于南国,推行新的婚姻制度的上古情实。

    Gan Tang and Xing lu in the Book of songs reflecting the ancient times fact that SHAO GONG pushing the new marital system created by ZHOU GONG when he patrolling round the southland .

  6. 这时,有人听说太子静躲在大臣召公家里,他们又立即包围了召公的府邸,逼召公交出太子。

    Then they surrounded the residence of Duke Zhao , where they got the news that Prince Jing , heir to the throne , was hidden . They compelled the Duke to hand over the prince .

  7. 经大臣们商议,由召公和周公暂时代替厉王执掌朝政,史上称之为“共和执政”。

    After the discussion of ministers , a decision was made that the Duke of Zhao and the Duke of the Zhou took charge of the government temporarily . This period was called the gonghe , known as " Gong-He . "