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guó tǔ
  • land;territory;soil;land of a country
国土 [guó tǔ]
  • [territory;land of a country] 国家的领土

国土[guó tǔ]
  1. GIS在海洋国土资源交易管理中的应用研究

    Application and Research of GIS to Manage in Marine Territory Resource Trade

  2. 国土资源GIS多元数据共享的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Sharing the National Territory Resource GIS Multivariate Data

  3. 南非种族隔离制将部落制度作为其对国土“分而治之”的政策基础。

    Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its ' divide-and-rule ' homeland policies .

  4. 他们拒绝了将所有核武器从英国国土上撤除的要求。

    They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil .

  5. 埃塞俄比亚广袤的国土上生活着4,000多万人口。

    Ethiopia 's large territorial area takes in a population of more than 40 million people .

  6. 他们决心把侵略者赶出国土。

    They were determined to drive the aggressors out of their soil .

  7. 杰斐逊曾恭贺他的同胞有一块得天独厚的国土。

    Jefferson had congratulated his fellow-citizens on possessing a chosen country .

  8. 中国国土广阔,资源丰富。

    China is a vast country abundant in natural resources .

  9. 二十年前,美国城市土地学会定义了美国国土上两种主流的城市类型:实行朝九晚五商业时间的小城市和一天24小时运转的大城市大都市。

    Twenty years ago , the Urban Land Institute defined the two types of cities that dominated the US landscape : smaller cities that operated around standard 9-5 business hours and large metropolitan areas that ran all 24 hours of the day .

  10. 用英国国土换取舰只,议会感到为难

    Parliament would be touchy about bartering British soil for ships .

  11. 国土资源部部长姜大明

    Jiang Daming , Land and Resources Minister

  12. 自然资源部副部长王广华介绍:耕地地类减少的主要原因是农业结构调整和国土绿化。

    It mainly resulted from structural adjustments in the agriculture industry and the country 's greening project .

  13. 我不明白,为什英国人要引诱我们离开自己的国土。

    I don 't see why the English should want to entice us away from our native land .

  14. 第三次全国国土调查数据显示,我国现有湿地2346万公顷,其中,红树林地2.71万公顷。

    China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands , of which mangrove forests account for 27100 , according to the third national land resource survey .

  15. 《绝命毒师》和《国土安全》都很精彩,但看起来也很烧脑。如果想看一些让人舒适的节目,那得是《灵书妙探》。

    Breaking Bad and Homeland are brilliant but heavy TV , so shows like Castle are just the thing when you need the visual equivalent2 of a hot water bottle .

  16. 开展国土绿化行动,推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,强化湿地保护和恢复,加强地质灾害防治。

    We will promote afforestation , take comprehensive steps to control desertification , stony deserts , and soil erosion , strengthen wetland conservation and restoration , and better prevent and control geological disasters .

  17. 推动国土绿化高质量发展,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,持续推进森林城市、森林乡村建设。

    Efforts should be taken to promote the high-quality development of afforestation , coordinate management of mountains , waters , forests , farmland , lakes and grassland , continuously advance the building of forest city and forest countryside .

  18. 第十七条各级人民政府应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划、国土整治和资源环境保护的要求、土地供给能力以及各项建设对土地的需求,组织编制土地利用总体规划。

    Article 17 People 's governments at all levels shall manage to compile general plans for land uses in accordance with the national economic and social development program , requirements of national land consolidation and resources and environmental protection , land supply capacity and the requirements of various construction projects .

  19. WTO与我国国土资源技术法规体系的建立

    To Establish A Land & Resources Technical Regulation System Corresponding with WTO / TBT

  20. 3维GIS在国土信息可视化中的运用研究

    D-GIS Application Research in Territory Resource Management

  21. 基于GIS的湖南省国土资源遥感综合调查信息系统设计与实现

    System Design and Development Based on GIS to Information System of Remote Sensing Integrated Survey about Land Resources in Human Province

  22. 县域占中国国土总面积的94.0%,人口总量的70.41%,GDP的56.31%。

    The county accounts for the total Chinese area 93 % , the total Chinese population 70.41 % , and the Chinese GDP 56.31 % .

  23. 虚拟组织机构建设和网格GIS技术是解决国土资源信息化共建共享的基本内容和重要技术。

    The construction of the virtual organization system and the GridGIS technology are the main contents and important technology of the construction in sharing of the land and resources informatization .

  24. 基于GIS的湖南省国土资源信息系统是一个数据来源于遥感综合调查并可动态更新的运行系统。

    The GIS based information system of land resources in Hunan province is an operable system in which data are derived from remote sensing integrated survey and can be updated dynamically .

  25. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)的一份工作报告称,9/11事件后,到访美国的外国游客数量出现了“立即、急剧”下降。

    A working paper from the Department of Homeland Security says that , after 9 / 11 , the fall in international visitors to the US was " immediate and precipitous . "

  26. 吉林省是全国整体发展水平的标志性省份,主要表现为国土面积、人口数量、GDP总量三大指标均约占全国的2%左右。

    Jilin Province is the " marked province " in the whole development of China , which shows 2 % of the three quotas-its land , population and GDP .

  27. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)必须每隔三年向国会汇报:持有签证的人创办了何种经营业务,他们带来了多少就业,营业收入是多少。

    The Department of Homeland Security would have to report to Congress every three years on what kinds of businesses the recipients create , how many jobs they produce , and how much revenue .

  28. 同时指出我国国土资源大调查的重点在开展微型化嵌入式GIS、三维/四维GIS、网络GIS等方面的研究。

    And it is pointed out that the key to the China 's survey of territorial resources lies in carrying out such researches as embedded GIS , 3D / 4D GIS , web GIS , etc.

  29. 最后本文总结了基于GIS的国土资源电子政务推广应用价值,从管理的角度提出了电子政务制度建设的重要性,并提出了初步框架。

    At last this paper summarized the marketing prospects of the E-G System basis on GIS , from the aspect of management , it raises the importance of the construction of e-government , and the preliminary framework .

  30. 为了国土资源调查和防洪防灾,在长江中游建立了大地形变GPS监测网,以监测水患区的构造沉降。

    In order to investigate land resources and prevent flood and disaster , a GPS geotectonic deformation-monitoring network was established to monitor the tectonic subsidence of the flooded area in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River .