
ɡuó jiā jì chénɡ
  • succession of state;state succession
  1. 国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响

    State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons

  2. 前南斯拉夫问题国际会议国家继承问题工作组

    Working Group on State Succession of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia

  3. 在当今世界,各个国家继承法都把遗嘱自由规定为一项基本原则。

    Testament freedom is a basic article specified in the Law of Succession of every country .

  4. 遗嘱自由原则是世界大多数国家继承法中的基本原则。

    The principle of freedom of wills is the basic principles of the law of succession in most countries of the world .

  5. 其历经了数千年的发展,已经成为大陆法系国家继承法律制度的重要组成部分。

    It has come into being an important system of testament inheritance law in many civil law countries after the development of a few thousand years .

  6. 大陆法系国家继承和发展了物权理念传统,在民事领域将物权发展得相当完善,创立了多种学说。

    The tradition of real right as a kind of thoughts was inherited and developed by Continental law system countries , and they also developed it perfectly .

  7. 正是秉承这样的理念,遗嘱自由一直以来都被认定为当今世界各大法系国家继承法中的一项重要原则,即充分保障遗嘱人生前通过遗嘱方式处分自己财产所有权的自由。

    It is taking such idea , wills freedom has been identified as big law countries all over the world of the succession is an important principle , namely before fully guarantee the wills life by wills disposition of property ownership of their freedom .

  8. 后世法治国家继承了罗马法上违约损害赔偿制度并不断发展完善,而各国由于传统、理论等不同,形成不同的理论和制度。

    Later countries ruled by law succeeded the indemnity institution of damages for breach of contract in Roman law , developed and improved this institution . Due to the difference of traditions and views among each country , there are different institutions and theories .

  9. 国家档案继承与收回初探

    Preliminarily Approaching the Inheritance and Taking Back of National Archives

  10. 优先权制度发端于古老的罗马法,各个国家在继承的过程中形成了各具特色的制度。

    The system of priority stemmed from the Roman law , and many countries inherited this system .

  11. 居住权是一项古老的制度,滥觞于罗马法,并在后世多数大陆法系国家得到继承与发展。

    Habitatio is an old system which originates from the Roman Law and is inherited by most continental law countries .

  12. 持折中说的英美法系国家对继承契约也有较完整的规定,但与持肯定说的国家又有巨大差别。

    The countries hold compromise attitude , UK and America as the representative , they have complete regulations of contract of succession , but there are a huge difference from the countries which hold positive attitude .

  13. 地役权滥觞于古罗马,作为一种古老的用益物权,至今已有近三千年历史,相继为大陆法系和英美法系的主要国家所继承,并在实践中发挥着重要作用。

    As a kind of ancient usufructuary rights , the easement originated from ancient Rome nearly three thousand years ago . The most of the continental law countries and common law countries have succeeded the easement , which plays an important role in practice .

  14. 处在战争中的国家不能被继承。

    Countries that are at war will no longer be inherited .

  15. 遵守宪法和国家法律,继承和弘扬中华民族传统文化。

    Abide by the constitution and laws , state to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture .

  16. 这些非洲国家独立后继承了法国法,成为大陆法系国家,同时,非洲习惯法仍然适用。

    After independence , the French African states inherited French law , with African customary laws being applied at the same time .

  17. 地上权是用益物权的一种,肇始于罗马法,并为大陆法系国家民法所继承。

    As one of usufruct , superficies originated from Roman law , was carried down through national civil law of the Continental law family .

  18. 而持肯定说的德国、瑞士等国家,将继承契约规定在民法典继承篇当中,并且不是以个别条款的方式描述,而是设专门章节对继承契约进行规定。

    Germany , Switzerland as the representative of the positive attitude , contract of succession is provided in the section of succession in civil law . It is provided in special section rather than described in individual clause .

  19. 这个国家承认了他继承王位的权利。

    The country acknowledged his claim to the throne .

  20. 在许多国家中女性没有继承权。

    Also , women 's inheritance rights are poorly established in many societies .

  21. 国家承受(没有继承人或申请者时)转交财产的权力。

    Property that has reverted to the state when no legal heirs or claimants exist .

  22. 承认(权威、地位)这个国家承认了他继承王位的权利。

    acknowledge sb / sth ( as sth ) The country acknowledged his claim to the throne .

  23. 英美法系国家主要通过间接继承制度实现对债权人利益的保护。大陆法系国家则承袭和发展了继承选择

    The Anglo-American Legal System adopted the Indirect Succession system to realize the protection of creditors ' profits since the

  24. 这就是我们美国人的精神——我们给留给下一代的国家永远比我们继承时的国家更好,并且我们引以为豪。

    This is who we are as Americans - we take pride in leaving each new generation a better country than the one we inherited .

  25. 由于没有子嗣来继承皇位,今年早些时候日本一些政客进行了一次讨论,想要改变日本现行的法律,效法欧洲君主国家允许皇室女性继承王位。

    The shortage of male offspring had prompted discussions earlier this year by politicians of changing the law to allow a female sovereign , as is the case in many European monarchies .

  26. 在英国和其他15个女王是其君主的英联邦国家同意改变王位继承法的规则之后这样的变化被期待,男性将不再优先成为继承人。

    The change was expected after Britain and the 15 other Commonwealth countries which have the queen as their monarch agreed to change the rules of royal succession so that males would no longer have precedence as heir .

  27. 国家从保护、继承和发展历史文化遗产、弘扬民族传统和地方特色、发展旅游的角度出台了古村落中的精品&历史文化名村的相关规定。

    In addition , central government has constituted many criterions for top village of history and culture not only to protect and inherit and carry forward the historic and cultural relics and national tradition but also to develop tourism .