
  • 网络The Sources of International Law
  1. 试论国际法的渊源

    On the Source of International Law

  2. 在刑事领域,国际法的渊源只包括国际条约和国际习惯两种。

    In the criminal field , the source of " international law " only includes international treaties and international customs .

  3. 一般法律原则作为国际法的渊源,在具体内容和适用上颇有异议,但在最新的国际立法和司法实践中其内涵已经逐渐明确。

    As to the general principles of law being the source of International Law , there are some different opinions about their concrete meanings and the application .

  4. 自然国际法的渊源,包括基本原则、一般原则(即一般法律原则)、具体化的原则(即强行法)等三个层级。

    The sources of natural international law consist in basic principles , general principles ( General principles of law ), and specified principles ( Jus cogens ) .

  5. 宗教是古代国际法的重要渊源之一,在东、西方的国际法遗迹中均有所反映。

    In antiquity , religion existed as a kind of source of international law , which was an important characteristic of ancient international law .

  6. 条约与习惯是国际法的主要法律渊源,但由于在不恰当的程度上强调作为法律渊源规则拘束力的普遍性和适用的自动性,多数学者将双边条约拒斥于外。

    It is correct to take treaty and custom as primary legal origins , but most scholars exclude bilateral-treaty improperly .

  7. 传统观点认为,国际习惯是国际法的渊源,国际惯例不是渊源。

    According to traditional views , the international custom is the source of the international law , while the international practice is not .

  8. 国际关系是国际法的实质渊源,变化着的国际关系正在为国际法充实相应的内容。

    International Law originates from international relations and is now being enriched by the latter .

  9. 国际条约是国际法的重要渊源,也是国际法主体之间缔结的确定相互关系中权利与义务的协议。

    The international treaty is an important source of the international law and a main body of the international law .

  10. 国际条约作为国际法的重要渊源,自古以来就是国家之间产生交往及合作的法律工具。

    International treaties , as important sources of international law , are legal tools for exchanges and cooperation between countries all the time .

  11. 国际习惯是国际法的重要渊源之一,但在国际法理论体系中,国际习惯法一直处于比较尴尬的地位,争议非常之多。

    Customary international law is one of the most important sources of international law , however , in the theoretical system of contemporary international law , customary international law has been in a rather awkward position , the theory is very much disputed .

  12. 国际条约作为当代国际法的重要渊源,在国际交往中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Treaties , as an important source of contemporary international law , play a pivotal role in international communications .

  13. 国际投资条约是国际投资法的主要渊源。

    International investment treaty is the main category of legal sources for international investment law .

  14. 由于历史和现实的需要,国际惯例已成为我国国际经济法的重要渊源。

    Because of the demand of history and reality , international practices has been the important source of international economic law .

  15. 国际习惯法与国际条约是国际法的主要渊源,考察欧洲国家适用国际习惯法与国际条约的法律规定与实践,国际法在欧洲国家有不同的适用问题。

    International customary law and international treaty are the two major sources of international law . This paper discusses the issue of application of international law in European countries by analyzing the legal prescription and practice of international customary law and international treaty in European countries .

  16. 作者认为,首先,WTO法是国际公法的一部分,因此,《国际法院规约》第38条中规定的国际法的法律渊源对确定WTO法的法律渊源有重要参考价值。

    The author believes that , first of all , WTO law is part of international law so that sources of international law speculated in Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice are of important reference value in determining sources of WTO law .