
ɡuó jì bù fǎ xínɡ wéi
  • Internationally wrongful act;international illegal act;international delinquency;international wrongfulact
  1. 停止持续性的国际不法行为

    Cessation of an internationally wrongful act of a continuing character

  2. 犯有国际不法行为的国家;

    State which has committed an internationally wrongful act ;

  3. 长期以来,成员国应否对国际组织的不法行为的后果承担责任,存在较大争议。

    For a period of time , whether Member States should hold the responsibility for the consequences of the wrongful act of an international organization are still fueling some controversy .

  4. 一国际组织对其国际不法行为应当承担国际责任,作为受害方的国家或国际组织有权援引该国际组织的责任。

    Internationally wrongful act of an international organization should assume its international responsibilities , a state or an international organization is entitled as an injured State or an injured international organization to invoke the responsibility of another international organization .

  5. 2001年11月联合国国际法委员会第53届会议通过了《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款草案》,取得了具有某种突破性质的进展。

    Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts adopted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations in November of 2001 was a milestone of this domain .

  6. 国际组织作为国际法主体,与国家一样也应当为其国际不法行为承担法律责任。

    International organizations as subjects of international law , should take the legal responsibility for its internationally wrongful acts .