
ɡuó jì zhēnɡ duān
  • international discord;international dispute
  1. WTO争端解决机制是对整个国际争端解决法的创新和发展。

    WTO dispute solving mechanism is the innovation and development of the international dispute solving methods .

  2. 我们一贯主张和平解决这一国际争端。

    We stand for a peaceful settlement of the international dispute .

  3. 我们主张用和平的方式解决国际争端。

    We advocate a peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  4. 众所周知,中国一贯主张和平解决国际争端。

    As is well known , china has always advocated peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  5. 当我国遇到技术标准壁垒的国际争端时,可以采取多种救济途径,可以采取传统的救济途径,还可以启动wTO争端解决机制。

    When we meet international disputes about technical standard barriers , may use kinds of relief way , may adopt traditional relief way , still can start the WTO dispute settlement mechanism .

  6. TRIPS协议将专利保护扩大到所有技术领域,其中包括药品领域。近年来药品专利与公共健康之间的国际争端不断。

    Since TRIPS agreement extends patent protection to the whole technology field , including pharmaceutical field , many international disputes on pharmaceutical patents and public health have occurred in the past few years .

  7. 然而,《公约》生效以来,EEZ制度成了海洋法上遇到的最困难、最复杂、范围最广泛、发生国际争端最频繁的问题。

    However , since the effectiveness of the Convention , the regime of EEZ has become in the law of the sea the most difficult and complex issue of the widest scope that may lead to the most frequent international disputes .

  8. 是协调组织各国统一行动,有效处理国际争端的重要场所。

    And also the important place where coordinates organizations and countries .

  9. 和平共处五项原则:解决国际争端的基本准则

    Five principles of peaceful CO-EXISTENCE-A fundamental norm to mediate international dispute

  10. 古代社会国际争端的裁判解决&从公元前4000年到公元476年

    On the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes in Ancient Societies

  11. 论我国和平解决国际争端的理论与实践

    China 's Theory and Practice of Settling International Dispute Peacefully

  12. 联合国将就这一国际争端进行仲裁。

    The United Nations will try to arbitrate in the international dispute .

  13. 中国和平解决国际争端问题初探

    Primary Exploration of China 's Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes

  14. 和平解决国际争端修订总议定书;

    Revised general act on peaceful settlement of international disputes ;

  15. 他们将政府看做通过武力方式制造国际争端者。

    They see government as creating conflicts internationally through means of force .

  16. 和平解决国际争端总议定书(订正本)

    General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes ( revised )

  17. 中国将积极参与联合国各领域工作,推动解决国际争端。

    China will vigorously participate in UN efforts to settle international disputes .

  18. 坚持通过对话和协商,以和平方式解决国际争端。

    We should seek peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue and consultation .

  19. 中国致力于和平解决国际争端和热点问题。

    China is committed to peaceful settlement of international disputes and crisis issues .

  20. 协商是解决国际争端的重要方法

    Negotiations : An Important Channel for Settling International Disputes

  21. 某一国际争端可能是由某种不友好但却是合法的行为引起的。

    An international dispute may be caused by an unfriendly but legal act .

  22. 关于和平解决国际争端的海牙公约

    Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

  23. 我们必须在联合国框架内解决国际争端。

    We must solve international conflict with the framework of the United Nations .

  24. 世界上这类的国际争端还不少。

    There are many international disputes of this kind .

  25. 我们主张通过协商解决国际争端,而不主张诉诸武力。

    We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation , instead of appealing to arms .

  26. 它使用在两个方面:一是对国际争端的态度;

    It was applied to two cases . One is to the international dispute ;

  27. 和平解决国际争端公约

    Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

  28. 好多国际争端,解决不好会成为爆发点。

    Many international disputes may reach the flash point if they are not handled properly .

  29. 我们应当用和平方法解决国际争端,而不应诉诸武力。

    We should find peaceful ways of settling international disputes rather than appeal to arms .

  30. 解析国际争端解决机制及其发展前景

    International Dispute-Settlement Systems : Analysis and Prediction