
huā zhǎn
  • flower show
花展[huā zhǎn]
  1. 大棚里有个花展。

    There is a flower show at the shelter .

  2. 顺便问一下,你可打算去参加下周三的花展?

    By the by , do you intend going to the flower show next wednesday ?

  3. 三个花展一个个地接连举行。

    Three flower shows succeeded one another in quick succession .

  4. 今年的花展有大量花卉参展。

    There is a large entry for the flower show this year .

  5. 不久,有人来找我为切尔西花展(chelseaflowershow)上的一个展览做设计。

    Not long after , I was approached to design an exhibit at Chelsea Flower Show .

  6. 它们可能没有切尔西(chelsea)花展,但它们的机场里也没有排队和签证的麻烦。

    They might lack the Chelsea Flower Show , but also the queues and visa hassles at the airport too .

  7. 2008年,拿督黄纪达基金会(ktwongfoundation)委托艺术家邵帆为切尔西花展(rhschelseaflowershow)设计了一座花园,尽管他此前完全没有园艺方面的经验。

    In 2008 , the KT Wong Foundation commissioned the artist Shao fan to create a garden for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show , notwithstanding his total lack of horticultural experience .

  8. 在花展,数千菊花展出。

    At flower shows , thousands of chrysanthemums are on display .

  9. 花展直到外国朋友们到才开始。

    The flower show didn 't begin tillthe foreign friends arrived .

  10. 明天我将和朋友一起去看花展。

    I am watching a flower show with my friend tomorrow .

  11. 有很多花展我可以去看。

    I may go to see a lot of flower shows .

  12. 她那些美丽的玫瑰在花展上获得首奖。

    Her beautiful roses won first prize at the flower show .

  13. 我们镇上的花展一年举行一次。

    The flower show is a yearly event in our town .

  14. 我们冒雨前去参观花展。

    We went through the wet to the flower show .

  15. 看花展是件赏心悦目的事。

    The flower exhibition was a feast for the eyes .

  16. 花展主要展出玫瑰、牡丹等等。

    The flower show featured roses , peonies , etc.

  17. 由2006年切尔西花展看花园设计的新趋势

    Investigation of the new trends of garden design from Chelsea Flower Show 2006

  18. 他受邀在一年一度的花展上颁奖。

    He was invited to present the prizes at the annual flower show .

  19. 你打算赴看花展么?

    Are you going to the flower show ?

  20. 我担任乡村花展和花园的评判快30年了。

    I have been judging village flower shows and gardens for nearly thirty years .

  21. 在花展中获奖的展品。

    A prize exhibit in the flower show .

  22. 你将在花展上当评审吗?与产品有关要求的评审

    Will you judge at the Flower Show ? Review of requirements related to the product

  23. 它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。

    They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last ring .

  24. 即使你不喜欢花,这次花展你也不应错过。

    Even if you don 't like flowers , you shouldn 't miss the flower exhibition .

  25. 为什么这么多孩子在花展上参加纽扣比赛,还从没人解释过。

    It has never been explained why so many children enter buttonholes in the flower show .

  26. 在春天里,还有什么比去看花展更合适的活动呢?

    What better way to bring it in that with a trip to a flower show ?

  27. 切尔西花展2003

    The Chelsea Flower Show 2003

  28. 在花展上我们看到许多见所未见的奇花异草。

    We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition , which we had never seen before .

  29. adj.外来的花展中,我们看到许多以前从未见过的外来植物。

    exotic We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition , which we had never seen before .

  30. 周一于伦敦的年度雀儿喜花展上,克林顿之女雀儿喜置身在她最喜欢的郁金香花丛中。

    Chelsea Clinton amongst her favorite flowers , tulips , at the annual Chelsea Flower Show in London Monday .