
  • 网络Flower Seed
  1. 由于种植空间和预算的缩减,花卉种子销量下降。

    With garden space - and budgets - squeezed , flower seed sales are down . 2 .

  2. 后一部分花卉种子的抽样则以《国际种子检验规程》中所规定的相应内容为母体,以便于种子检验同国际相接轨。

    Section two is the sampling of flower seed , which is based on the related section of general criterions in world .

  3. 一定浓度的浓H2SO4对花卉种子具有脱绒效果。

    To some extent , a given concentration of H2SO4 were active to shed seed villus .

  4. 椰糠和花生壳粉是良好的发芽基质,供试的4种花卉种子发芽指数(GI)均超过100,作为发芽基质具有良好的广谱性。

    The coconut coir and the powder of peanut hull were good media for germination , for the GI ( the germination index ) of 4 kinds flower seeds reached to 100 .

  5. 促进4种野生花卉种子萌发的方法研究

    Study Promoting Seed Germination Ways to 4 Wild Flower Species

  6. 几种进口花卉种子寄藏真菌的检测与鉴定

    Detection and identification of fungi from imported flower seeds

  7. 开展资源花卉种子学的研究;

    To develop the research on the seed science of the resource flower ;

  8. 花卉种子在自然含水量状态即可存于液氮中;

    The flowers seeds with nature water moisture can be stored in LN 2 directly .

  9. 几种露地花卉种子萌发期耐盐性研究

    Study on Anti - Salt of Some Flowers and Plants Seed in the Open at Germination Period

  10. 缤纷种子公司是经营各种花卉种子的专业公司。

    Brighten Floriculture Co. , Ltd is a specialized company in production and selling of different varieties of flower seeds .

  11. 8种花卉植物种子萌发对石油烃污染土壤的响应

    Responses of seed germination of 8 ornamental plants to petroleum contamination

  12. 结果表明,①超低温保存技术可以广泛应用于园林花卉的种子保存;

    This study indicates that : ① Cryopreservation can be widely used in seed preservation of ornamental plants .

  13. 你应该注意到,虽然该系统将容纳超过草药植物和花卉,种子未列入这一制度。

    You should note that while this system will accommodate plants beyond herbs and flowers , the seeds are NOT included with this system .

  14. 草药包括树根、树皮、花卉、种子、果实、枝叶,以及动物与矿物质中的成分。

    Herbal medicine employs roots , bark , flowers , seeds , fruits , leaves , and branches , as well as ingredients from animals and minerals .

  15. 四川花卉(草花)种子工程的现状及前景

    Status Quo and Perspectives of Flowery Seed Engineering in Sichuan Province

  16. 不同处理对山龙眼花卉红花卢卡树种子的发芽影响花卉博物馆,奇花异草,尽收眼底。

    Effects of Different Treament Methods on Leucadendron rubrum Seeds ' Germination In the Flowers Museum , all exotic flowers and rare herBs come into your view .