
huā hóng
  • bonus;reward;Malus asiatica;Chinese pear-leaved crabapple;flowers pinned and have red silk;gift for wedding
花红 [huā hóng]
  • (1) [flowers pinned and have red silk;gift for wedding]∶为庆贺喜事而赠送的插花挂红的衣料礼品

  • 花红缎匹

  • 有拏获宋江者,赏钱万万贯,执双花红。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [bonus]∶盈利

  • (3) [Chinese pear-leaved crabapple]

  • (4) 一种落叶小乔木( Malus asiatica ),叶子卵形或椭圆形,花粉红色。果实球形,像苹果而小,黄绿色带微红,是常见的水果

  • (5) 这种植物的果实。也叫林檎或沙果

  • (6) [reward]∶赏金

花红[huā hóng]
  1. 那是一个晴朗的天,树绿绿的,花红红的、黄黄的。

    It was1 a fine day . The trees were green , the flowers were red and yellow .

  2. 荧光素&酚藏花红能量转移体系用于测定DNA

    The Application of Fluorescein-phenosafranine Energy Transter System to the Determination of DNA

  3. 此外,本文还对酚藏花红与DNA相互作用的形式进行了初步探讨,认为二者的相互作用主要以静电作用力为主。

    Moreover , the interaction of phenosafranine with DNA has been discussed tentatively .

  4. 吖啶橙&酚藏花红能量转移体系在DNA测定中的应用研究

    Study on Acridine Orange-phenosafranine Energy Transfer Systems and Its Application in the Determination of Nucleic Acid

  5. 对第一部分的评审将决定基于员工表现的花红奖金,包括现金、表现股份(performanceshares)和公司股票买入期权。

    For the first part , it will be used to determine performance-driven remuneration , including cash bonus , performance shares and stock options .

  6. 研究了酚藏花红(PS)与脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)在近中性条件下作用中的共振光散射特征,并以此建立起纳克级核酸的分析方法。

    Resonance light-scattering ( RLS ) characteristics of interaction between phenosafranine ( PS ) with deoxyribonucleic acids ( DNA ) in the near neutral medium was studied .

  7. 结果表明:X-5树脂吸附牵牛花红色素的能力较强,吸附量为76.1mg/g湿树脂;

    The result showed : X-5 resin had more strong adsorption capacity that was 76.1 mg / g resin ;

  8. 研究了pH值、反应时间等条件因素对其吸收光谱和荧光光谱特性的影响,并探讨了CdS纳米粒子-酚藏花红体系的光谱特性、可能的作用机理和应用前景。

    Absorp - tion and fluorescence spectra of CdS nanoparticles at different pH values and reaction time were investi - gated . At the same time , the spectroscopic characteristics and application values of the CdS-phenosafranine system were also discussed .

  9. 大花红景天(2-4g/kg、5w)对苯中毒大鼠有升高白细胞数和明显改善血液毒性的作用。

    RC ( 2-4g / kg 、 5w ) is effective in the treatment of WBC and bone marrow toxicity on rats with benzene poisoning .

  10. 结果表明,用仲钼酸铵硝酸分解法制备的MoO3在酚藏花红、罗丹明B、甲基紫等染料的光催化降解过程中催化活性好,脱色率可达90%以上;

    The results show that photocatalytic activity of the pyrogenic decomposition of ammonium paramolybdate with nitric acid and MoO_3 powder is obtained good in photocatalytic decoloration of dyes , such as phenosafranine , rhodamine B , methy violet and so on .

  11. 在pH3.0的BrittonRobinson(BR)缓冲溶液中,鸡冠花红与蛋白质能够发生相互作用形成超分子复合物,使鸡冠花红在-0.25V(vs.SCE)处的极谱还原峰峰电流下降。

    In pH 3.0 Britton-Robinson ( B-R ) buffer solution , amaranth may interact with protein to form a supramolecule complex . Amaranth has a sensitive reductive peak at -0.25 V ( vs. SCE ) on the hanging mercury drop electrode .

  12. 具体概括如下:1.碳纳米管/酚藏花红(PS-MWNTs)纳米复合物的制备及其化学/生物传感应用。

    The details are summarized as follows : 1 . Preparation of carbon nanotube / phenosafranine nanocomposites ( PS-MWNTs ) and its chemo / biosensing applications .

  13. 超声波法提取大花红景天有效成分的工艺研究

    Research on ultrasonic wave extraction of efficacious composition in rhodiola crenulata

  14. 木棉花红色素的提取及其应用研究

    Study on Extraction and Application of Red Pigment from Bombax Malabaricum

  15. 复方大花红景天对低氧劳动能力的影响

    Effects of Compound of Rhodiola Crenulata on Exercise Performance During Hypoxia

  16. 公司提出给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她。

    The firm offers her a generous bonus as a sweetener .

  17. 氧化酚藏花红褪色催化荧光法测定痕量铜

    Catalytic Fluorimetric Determination of Trace Copper by Oxidative Discoloration of Phenosafranine

  18. 美人蕉花红色素的提取工艺

    Technique of extraction on the red pigment from flower of India Canna

  19. 年冬花红的发放取决于公司度的业绩和个人的表现。

    Bonus is not compulsory , subject to company & individual performance .

  20. 云南野生大花红景天的组织培养与快速繁殖

    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Yunnan Wild Rhodiola crenulata

  21. 全体职员都获得100美元的圣诞节花红。

    All staff received a Christmas bonus of $ 100 .

  22. 牡丹花红色素的提取及其在果冻中的应用

    Extraction of peony red pigment and its application in jelly

  23. 花红洗露的杀(抑)菌效果及毒性观察

    Observation on germicidal ( bacteriostatic ) efficacy and toxicity of Hua-Hong Lotion

  24. 美人蕉花红色素的提取及稳定性的研究

    Study on the Stability of Red Pigment form Canna Flowers

  25. 叶绿素a、藏花红T双光敏体系光电池的研究

    Study on photovoltaic effect of double photosensitive system in Chla and safranine T

  26. 结果3种鉴别方法可有效的区分大花红景天及其混伪品。

    Results The3 methods were able to distinguish effectively the drug and its .

  27. 与同事串谋虚报销售记录,以骗取须达到某销售额才发放的佣金或花红。

    Conspiring with colleagues to gain commissions or bonuses by falsifying sales quotas .

  28. 微波辅助提取大花红景天中红景天苷的工艺研究

    Investigation of microwave-assisted extraction of salidroside from Rhodiola crenulata

  29. 杯光酒影掩映下的花红酒绿。

    The light wine reflects the premium happy .

  30. 大孔吸附树脂纯化矮牵牛花红色素

    Adsorbing and Separating Petunia Red Pigment by Resin