
  • 网络flower bud formation;flower formation
  1. 外源多胺促进红富士苹果花芽形成的效应

    Effects of Exogenous Polyamines on Flower Bud Formation of Red Fuji Apple Variety

  2. 山茶花树的修剪与花芽形成的关系

    Relationship between Camellia pruning and flower bud formation

  3. 不同浓度赤霉素(GA)在不同时期喷布对抑制苹果花芽形成的效果

    Effects of different concentration of GA spraying in different period for retarding fruit buds formation of apple trees

  4. 关于甜椒花芽形成和发育的研究

    Studies on Flower Bud Initiation and Development of Sweet Pepper

  5. 多效唑在抑制营养生长的同时也促进了生殖生长,有效地促进花芽形成,降低了始花节位,增加了成花节位数和复花芽节位数。

    Paclobutrazol promoted the flower formation , lowered initial node of the flower bud .

  6. 评价的形成性问题;黄瓜子叶培养物花芽形成和发育的观察

    Observation on the floral bud formation and development in the Cucumber cotyledons cultured in vitro

  7. 果树树体上结果枝数量和花芽形成是果树丰产的基础。

    The number of bearing branch and flower bud differentiation is the basis of the fertility of the fruit trees .

  8. 概括了花芽形成的主要条件,提出了物理控制和化学控制的促花技术途径;

    The main conditions of flower bud forming are described , the technical approaches of promoting flower bud forming are put forward .

  9. 茶树的花芽形成、分化及花器官发育过程呈现明显的慢快慢特征。

    The process of flower bud formation , differentiation and floral organ development of tea showed an obvious feature of " slow-fast-slow " .

  10. 当年花芽形成数量和座果数量分别为267个/株、105个/株。

    The number of flower bud formation and fruit number are 267 / strains and 105 / strains in the same year . 5 .

  11. 树冠内光照强度直接影响树体的花芽形成、开花坐果、果实的产量、质量。

    The intensity of light inside the tree crown influence flower bud of the tree body , bloom , fruit-setting , yield and quality of the fruit .

  12. 本文概述了多胺与植物花芽形成、花器官分化以及开花、坐果和果实发育的关系;

    This paper reviews the relationship between endogenous polyamines and floral bud induction and sex differentiation , flowering , fruit setting and fruit development in higher plants .

  13. 多胺是植物体内一类生理活性物质,其代谢变化与高等植物的花芽形成和发育关系密切。

    Polyamines are a group of physiologically active substances in plants and their metabolic changes have a close relation to flower bud formation and development in high plants .

  14. 牡丹的花芽形成时期和顶芽的激素水平决定了开花时间和品质,并影响花卉的观赏性。

    In tree peony , the duration of various floral formation stages and hormonal levels in apical bud eventually determines flowering time and flower quality which in turn largely determines the ornamental values of the plants .

  15. 该论文综述了多胺在植物体内的形态和分布,以及成花诱导、花芽形成,尤其是雄性育性的发生和性别分化过程中的作用,并对今后的研究方向进行了讨论。

    The paper summarized polyamine forms and distribution in plants and their roles in flower bud induction , formation and development , especially in male sterility occurrence and sex differentiation , and discusses their future research orientation .

  16. 反而影响花芽的形成。

    Flower-bud formation may be affected adversely .

  17. 拉枝能显著抑制‘元帅’苹果幼树旺枝的生长势,促进花芽的形成,提高坐果率。

    Branch-drooping could significantly retard growth vigour of Delicious apple trees , promote flower bud formation , and raise fruiting rate .

  18. 茶树花芽原基形成以后,花芽的继续分化可以分为三个时期,即:萼片形成期,花瓣形成期,雄蕊和雌蕊形成期。

    After the forming of flower bud primordium of tea plant , the contineous differentiation of flower buds can be divided into 3 stages , sepal forming stage , petal forming stage , as well as stamen and pistil forming stage .

  19. 番茄苗期花芽分化异常易形成畸形花,而畸形花是形成畸形果的主要原因。

    Tomato is easy to produce misshaped flowers when it is abnormal during buds differentiation .

  20. 其花芽是混合芽,形成于开花结果的前一年,但花芽形成控制困难,管理不善很容易出现大小年,影响产量。

    Its flower bud is mixed bud and forms in the year before flowering and fruiting , but it is difficult to control the formation of flower bud , and the phenomenon of biennial bearing that influencing the production is prone to appears by poor management .

  21. 在这个基础上,盆栽牡丹还应增施花芽肥,以保证花芽的形成。

    Based on the above , bud fertilizer should be suppled on potted peony , to ensure the formation of flower buds .

  22. 在植物花芽分化过程中,多胺水平会发生显著的变化,单独或混合外施Spm、Spd与Put能够促进花芽形成,增加花芽的数目。

    In the processes of floral initiation , polyamine contents had remarkable changes , alone or mix usage of Spm , Spd and Put promoted flower bud formation , increased flower bud numbers .