
  • 网络hard seed
  1. 银合欢硬实种子处理方法研究

    Study on the methods of hard seed treatment of Leucaena leucocephala

  2. 蓝花棘豆硬实种子特性的研究

    A Study on the Properties of Hard Seed of Oxytropis coerulea

  3. 新收获的高硬实种子可用种子浸出液电导率和TTC法测定活力。

    The higher hard seeds harvested can be tested its vigor using seed conductivity and TTC method .

  4. 硬实种子,由于种皮的限制,发芽率很低。

    Hard seeds have low budding rate for their seed coats .

  5. 豆科硬实种子形成机理的研究

    Study on the Forming Mechanism of Legume Hard Seeds

  6. 这就使硬实种子在大豆种质保存中应用成为可能。

    It is possible to use impervious soybean seed to preserve soybean germplasm .

  7. 硫酸处理药用植物硬实种子的研究

    Studies on the Treatment of Hard Seeds of Some Plants with Sulphuric Acid

  8. 硬实种子休眠的机制和解除方法

    Dormancy Mechanism and Breaking Methods for Hard Seeds

  9. 硬实种子不透水,必须经过适当处理来提高种皮的透性种子才能萌发。

    Hard seeds whose coats must be properly treated so that permeability is increased without injuring the embryo .

  10. 硬实种子是由于种皮(有时也包括果皮)坚硬而很难进行吸胀萌发的种子。

    Hard seeds which theseed coat ( sometimes including the peel ) are hard and difficult to imbibe and germinate .

  11. 建议在测定豆科牧草种子的活力时,可以考虑将单独测定硬实种子活力作为种子质量评价指标的补充。

    The vigor of hard seeds could be tested solely as the complementarity in the evaluation of legume seeds quality .

  12. 黄河三角洲野大豆硬实种子处理试验

    Experiment on Treating Hard Seeds of Wild Soyabean ( Glycine soja Sieb . et Zucc . ) in Yellow River Delta Area

  13. 苜蓿种子的硬实率随着种子成熟而增加,并在种子生理成熟前后(盛花后29d~43d)达最高。

    The rate of hard seed increased as the seed mature , and up to the maximum before and after the seed physiological maturity ( full bloom after 29 days - 43 days ) .

  14. 实验对多花木蓝和二色胡枝子这两种豆科牧草种子的硬实特性与种子活力进行研究,探讨了:(1)种子的硬实与活力之间的关系;

    Experiments were conduct on the seeds of Indigofera amblyantha and Lespedeza bicolor to ( 1 ) partially reveal the relationship between hardness of seeds and their vigor ;

  15. 不同硬实程度的刺槐种子活力差异性研究

    Study on Vigor Difference of Seeds with Different Hard Degree in Robinia pseudoacacia

  16. 硬实特性研究结果表明,新收获种子批中90%以上的硬实种子具有生活力;加速老化对种子批的硬实率影响甚微,且硬实种子的发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数在老化后无显著变化。

    Germination test showed that up to 90 % of hard seeds in newly harvested seeds lots could germinate under normal conditions after their coat were broken ;

  17. 结果表明:野生黄花苜蓿种子具有较高的硬实特性,其硬实率高达83%:机械处理能够较好的破除硬实,处理后种子发芽率可提高81.45%。

    The results showed that the seed of wild Medicago falcata were much stronger in hard seed character , its hard seed rate was 83 % . Mechanical damage can break hard seed and hasten germination , after manipulation of seeds the germination percent was increased to 81.45 % .