
yìng chēng
  • hold on firmly despite extreme adversity, pain, etc;force oneself to go on doing
硬撑 [yìng chēng]
  • [force oneself to go on doing] 硬挺;勉强支撑

  • 有病不要硬撑

硬撑[yìng chēng]
  1. 我总算硬撑着从床上爬了起来。

    I managed to drag myself out of bed .

  2. 杜鲁门允许他又硬撑了近两年。

    Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years .

  3. 在最近的公众舆论刺激下,内政部现在似乎想要把这个问题硬撑下去。

    Stung by recent publicity , the Home Office now seems to be trying to brazen this issue out .

  4. 有病不要硬撑。

    Don 't try to hold out when you are ill .

  5. 困了别硬撑,早睡!

    Sleepy do their teeth , going to bed early !

  6. 而且之后他又硬撑着回到球场。

    And then he dragged himself all the way back to the basketball court .

  7. 骆驼在重负下硬撑着。

    The camels strained under loads .

  8. 其实更贴切的问题是,他们为什么要继续硬撑俄罗斯仍是西方俱乐部一员这个门面?

    The more apposite question is why on earth they should continue with the pretext that Russia is part of the club .

  9. 工作:身边的朋友一个个都找到了好机会,我怎么可能安心的待在没有诱惑力的工作岗位上硬撑呢;

    Work : Many friends around me have find better opportunity , how can I keep on in a position without any seducement ;

  10. 同时硬撑着不让自己昏迷过去,这时他听见下面的人群中传出一片惊呼。

    and there was a yell from the crowd below as he headed straight for the ground , trying hard not to pass out .

  11. 不过,他还是硬撑着一天又一天地待下去了,直至今天上午接到一封信,得知了简·费尔法克斯订婚的消息。

    He had stayed on , however , vigorously , day after day-till this very morning 's post had conveyed the history of Jane Fairfax .

  12. 只要再硬撑希腊两三年,欧元区其它地区的状况就可变得更加健康,足以抵御一场违约造成的冲击。

    Keep Greece afloat for a couple of years and the rest of the eurozone will be robust enough to withstand the shock of a default .

  13. 既有坚强意志的女孩厌恶了强扮西施,亦有脆弱时刻的男孩厌恶了硬撑。

    For every girl who is tired of acting weak when she is strong , there is a boy tired of appearing strong when he feels vulnerable .

  14. 他一定是用油锯时伤到自己了,当她硬撑着走向对着通向坟地之路的屋前喊叫她的邻里们帮忙时,她想。

    He 's hurt himself with the chain saw , she thought , as she shuffled to the front of the house toward the path leading to the cemetery .

  15. 然而,等医生、牧师、盖伯瑞尔来到时,她便用不着再硬撑了,她便无法再克制自己,病倒了。

    But when the doctor , the vicar and Gabriel arrived , and she no longer needed to be strong , her self-control finally broke , and she became very ill .

  16. 相反,在硬撑着向共和党总统候选人提名发起冲刺之际,罗姆尼指责奥巴马正在把美国转变为一个“欧洲模式的福利社会”。

    To the contrary . As Mr Romney limps a little faster towards the Republican nomination , he accuses Mr Obama of turning the us into a " European-style entitlement society " .

  17. 弗兰克把他们吓得胆战心惊,哈丽特紧紧地抓住他,简直连话都说不出来,硬撑着往回走,一到哈特菲尔德精神就垮了。

    He had left them completely frightened ; and Harriet eagerly clinging to him , and hardly able to speak , had just strength enough to reach Hartfield , before her spirits were quite overcome .