
mèng huà
  • somniloquy;words uttered in one's sleep;words uttered in one's dream
梦话 [mèng huà]
  • (1) [somniloquy;words uttered in one's dream]

  • (2) 睡梦中说的话,也叫梦呓或呓语

  • (3) 比喻虚妄的不能实现的话

梦话[mèng huà]
  1. 说梦话也称梦呓。

    Somniloquy also weighs balderdash .

  2. 结果西安市学龄儿童睡眠障碍总检出率为33.9%,其中前3位为失眠(57.3%)、说梦话(15.3%)、打鼾(11.9%)。

    Results The prevalence rate of sleep disorder was 33.9 % , the leading three were insomnia (( 57.3 % ),) somniloquy ( 15.3 % ) and snore ( 11.9 % ) .

  3. 她祖母含混不清地说着梦话。

    Her grandmother mumbled in her sleep

  4. 昨晚我听见你说梦话。

    I heard you talk in your sleep last night .

  5. 译文:日本电气公司称已设计出一种小巧可爱的机器人5号。他会打瞌睡,说梦话。

    NEC says it has designed the robot 5 to be “ cute ” .

  6. Slavick太太说她都是把她老公的梦话录下来,早晨听一下。

    Mrs Slavick said she records her husband 's remarks and listens to them in the morning .

  7. 我希望你可以得到让你说梦话的女孩。

    Hope you get that GR who EFT you droong .

  8. 你今天看“梦话男”的记录了吗?

    Did you see today 's record of the sleep talking man ?

  9. 我一定也说了梦话?

    I suppose I talk in my sleep as well ?

  10. 我说梦话了吗?我肯定是在做梦。

    Did I talk in my sleep ? I must have been dreaming .

  11. 你昨晚睡觉时说梦话。

    You were talking in your sleep last night .

  12. 应该是我在睡觉时用英语说梦话。

    It turned out that I was talking in English in my dreams .

  13. 大牛,大白天的你怎么说起梦话来了啊!

    Daniel , you are dreaming in broad daylight !

  14. 他在说梦话而且在床上不安地辗转反侧着。

    He was talking in his sleep and moving uneasily on the bed .

  15. 而且时常说两种语种的梦话。

    Speaks Chinese and Korean in her sleep .

  16. 这女孩在轻声说梦话。

    The child is murmuring in her sleep .

  17. 你曾听到过梦话吗?

    Did you ever hear a dream talking ?

  18. 我以前的一个女友告诉我说我睡觉的时候要说梦话。

    I had a girlfriend once that told me I talked in my sleep .

  19. 他担心自己说梦话,暴露了身份。

    He was always afraid of talking in his sleep and giving himself away .

  20. 我又说梦话了吗?

    Was I talking in my sleep again ?

  21. 你睡觉说梦话吗?

    Do you ever talk in your sleep ?

  22. 帕特里克还说梦话。

    Patrick also talks in his sleep .

  23. 有时他会说梦话。

    Sometimes he talked in his sleep .

  24. 确保他们不试图向雇员灌输一夜成功的梦话。

    Make sure they don 't try to indoctrinate employees with mystical change activity jargon .

  25. 你是在说梦话吧!

    You are talking in your sleep !

  26. 我称它为痴人说梦话。

    I call it hypocritical bullshit .

  27. 英国女子凯伦每天都把她丈夫的梦话记录下来,发到博客上。

    An English Woman , Karen , recorded her husband 's sleeping talk in her blog .

  28. 只构建总线的项目可以视为IT梦话之地项目。

    A project to build just a bus can be considered an IT field of dreams project .

  29. 当他打鼾或在他的睡眠说梦话时,你试图唤醒他了吗?

    Luis : Have you tried waking him up when he snores or talks in his sleep ?

  30. 我当然知道自己会说梦话,我母亲还为此取笑过我。

    I knew I talked in my sleep , of course ; my mother teased me about it .