
mèng yì
  • somniloquy;sleep-talking;somniloquence;somniloquism;delirious raving
梦呓 [mèng yì]
  • [somniloquy;delirious raving] 说梦话的行为或习惯

梦呓[mèng yì]
  1. 所有的一切,都只是梦呓而已

    All everythings , all just that somniloquy

  2. 与此相对应,她在小说中创造了别具一格的梦呓式的语言,以突出表现一个噩梦时代的文化氛围,揭示生活于这个时代人们的病态心理与孤僻的精神状态。

    She creates the distinctive language with the color of somniloquy corresponding the above characteristics , for showing the culture atmosphere of the nightmare era and revealing the morbid psychology and the unsociable spiritual state of the people who lived the era .

  3. 爱对她来讲,已经成为一种浪漫的梦呓。

    Speaking of her love , has become a romantic balderdash .

  4. 由此看来,周期性股票的确是2008年的梦呓。

    In view of this , cyclical stocks in2008 is balderdash .

  5. 她一直没说过话,梦呓也没有。

    She has never spoken since , not even in her dreams .

  6. 这是一个无知的老家夥充满守旧的、种族主义的梦呓。

    It is the nostalgic and racist mumbles of an ignorant old man .

  7. 人们常把这种睡眠障碍与梦游、惊醒、梦呓相混淆。

    RBD is usually confused with sleepwalking , sleep terrors , as well as sleep-talking .

  8. 偶尔懒了游荡而已,哼着歌曲说说梦呓。

    But stop and loiter all the time , to sing it in extatic songs .

  9. 说梦话也称梦呓。

    Somniloquy also weighs balderdash .

  10. 当花季有雨,天空中就有了最灿烂的心情,最温情的梦呓。

    When flowering have rain , the sky had the most brilliant mood , the warmth of MengYi .

  11. 抗抑郁药等药物或不同药品的相互作用也可能引起梦游/梦呓。

    It can also be brought on by medications , such as some antidepressants , or by different drugs interacting .

  12. 从历史神话到历史梦呓&一种对后现代主义历史哲学的现代性结构分析

    From " History Myth " to History Balderdash : A structural analysis of the modernity to the history philosophy of the postmodernism

  13. 就像我偶然听到一只小鸟的梦呓,我就没有任何理由不在心中为她歌唱一生。

    It 's just as I overhear a bird chirp in its dream and then I would like to sing for her silently all my life .

  14. 梦游/梦呓可能会遗传,但是当睡眠被部分的打扰后,也会引发,这是指他们大脑的部分区域是“醒着”的状态。

    The problem can run in families , but it can also be triggered in anyone when sleep is partially disturbed , meaning part of their brain is awake .

  15. 而《国王的讲演》正是这种精神世界和凡人故事的最好结合。它是有着感情和精神世界支持的,并非那些无聊的虚构或导演本人的妄想与梦呓。

    The King 's Speech delivers the spiritual world of an actual human being , a story of emotions and souls , not a delusional fiction made up by a director .

  16. 在这种情形下,要在中国反帝反封建胜利之后,再建立资产阶级专政的资本主义社会,岂非是完全的梦呓?

    In these circumstances , would it not be sheer fantasy to desire the establishment in China of a capitalist society under bourgeois dictatorship after the defeat of imperialism and feudalism ?

  17. 无论是哈姆雷特深沉的独白、麦克白夫人的梦呓,还是伍思里主教的自我剖析,父亲都不让我机械地背诵,而是通过有趣的游戏帮我揣摩诗句中隐含的角色内心活动。

    He refused to let me merely parrot Hamlet 's brooding soliloquy , Lady Macbeth 's sleepwalking scene , or Cardinal Woolsey 's self-analysis . He made a fascinating game of helping me understand the motivations behind the poetic words .