
mèng de jiě shì
  • dream interpretation
梦的解释[mèng de jiě shì]
  1. 太太很高兴,当打开包裹时收到了一本名为《梦的解释》的书。

    That evening , the man comes home with a small package and gives it to his wife .

  2. 梦的解释

    The interpretation of dreams

  3. 当你相信自己,你就会相信你自己梦的解释-所有这些会导致你更大的自我了解。

    When you trust yourself then you will trust your own dream interpretations-and these will lead you to greater self-understanding .

  4. 《内经》在对病态梦的解释治疗可以为现代医学治疗学的发展提供经验,心理学方面有必要从现代医学获得补充。应该二者结合,互相借鉴,以臻完善。

    The interpretation of dreams Only when we combine therapeutic experience in Inner Canon with psychology in modern medicine , can we get to a perfect solution .

  5. 我认为关于我们的梦最好的解释来自我们自己。

    And I would suggest that the best explanation to our dreams should come from us .

  6. 先是运用人类学视野,借鉴人类学专家对梦的分析解释。

    First use anthropology perspective , from the analysis of the experts on anthropology dream explanation .

  7. 接著,他才向王讲述梦和梦的解释。

    Then he proceeded to outline both the dream and its interpretation .

  8. 在过去的一个世纪里,美国文化发展出一种根深蒂固、普遍接受的国家叙事模式美国梦的传奇以解释并证明成功的理由。

    In the past century , American culture has developed a well-entrenched , commonly shared national narrative to explain and justify success – the myth of the American dream .

  9. 当神应允他的祈求,将王的梦和梦的解释,在异象中向他显明,他便立刻为神所彰显的大能而衷心谢恩(20至23节)。

    His first action when God had revealed both the king 's forgotten dream and its interpretation was to thank God for this remarkable display of His power ( vv . 20-23 ) .

  10. 现代对梦的研究在如何对梦的内容作一般解释方面有两种集中的看法。

    Modern dream research has focused on two general interpretations of dream content .

  11. 如果他们无法说出王的梦,他如何能相信他们对这梦的解释呢?

    If they couldn 't tell the king his dream , why should he believe anything they said about its meaning ?