
jiào shēnɡ
  • sound of shouting/yelling;sounds produced by animals;call
  1. 这哭叫声究竟是为啥?

    What 's all this crying in aid of ?

  2. 听到那尖叫声,我不禁毛骨悚然。

    The hair on the back of my neck rose when I heard the scream .

  3. 她发出了绝望的叫声。

    She uttered a cry of despair .

  4. 他前晚听到的是狗叫声。

    It was the dog he 'd heard the night before last

  5. 十来只狗的叫声在走廊里回响。

    The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs .

  6. 孩子们在欢笑声和喊叫声中换教室。

    Children were changing classrooms amid laughter and shouts .

  7. 喊叫声变成了惊恐的尖叫声。

    The shouts changed to screams of terror .

  8. 从某个地方传来猫咪喵喵的叫声。

    From somewhere , the kitten mewed .

  9. 他听到一声微弱的叫声。

    His ears caught a faint cry

  10. 欢呼声盖过了他的叫声。

    Cheers drowned his shouting .

  11. 她醒来听到鸟的叫声。

    She awakened to the sound of birds singing .

  12. 晚上蟋蟀的唧唧叫声非常响亮。

    The chirping of crickets is very loud and clear at the night .

  13. 那人的喊叫声惊醒了镇上的值夜人。

    The man 's cry aroused the town watch .

  14. 蝙蝠的叫声非常尖细,人类的耳朵听不见。

    The cry of a bat is too acute for the human ear to hear .

  15. 然后他们通过分析音调的顺序和数量来识别乞求的叫声。

    Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and number of notes .

  16. 刚出生的小鸡在来到这个世界后的几天内就能模仿妈妈的叫声。

    New-born chicks can then imitate their mom 's call within a few days of entering the world .

  17. 这些叫声会让成年猫头鹰得知雏鸟的存在;并且,它们会刺激我们的雏鸟也开始鸣叫。

    These advertise the presence of chicks to adults ; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well .

  18. 他发出了乌鸦妈妈的叫声。

    And he made the mother crow 's voice .

  19. 时间还早,鸟儿的叫声穿过我们的街区。

    It was early , and the sound the birds made traveled through our neighborhood .

  20. 听到喊叫声,他毫不迟疑地跳进了水里。

    When he heard the shout , he jumped into the water without a second thought .

  21. 当这只猫听到叫声时,他高兴地跳到桌子上说:“你要成为我的美味午餐了!”

    When the cat heard the cry he jumped onto the table so happily , and said , " You 'll be my nice lunch ! "

  22. 最野蛮的喊叫声来自那些学童

    The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren .

  23. 房子后面的山上传来驴叫声

    A donkey was braying on the hill behind the house .

  24. 大夫权却以为这是真龙的叫声。

    Da Fuquan thought this was sound of a real dragon .

  25. 夜空中又传来了那又长又凄凉的狗叫声。

    That long , lugubrious howl rose on the night air again !

  26. 人们听到她发出恐怖的叫声。

    She was heard to emit a cry of horror .

  27. 铁笼子里传来一阵吱吱的叫声

    There was an outburst of squeals from the cage .

  28. “喂,你最好赶快闭上嘴。我的声音多么悦耳动听呀,他们可都喜欢,而你的叫声,实在是一种噪音。”

    My voice they delight in ; but yours-yours is a perfect nuisance . "

  29. 欢呼声盖过了他的喊叫声。

    The loud cheers drown out his shouts .

  30. 鸽子咕咕的叫声

    the sound of pigeons cooing