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  1. 院子里的雄鸡已经叫头遍了。他决得自己简直想大喊大唱,耳边仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍打声。

    He felt as if he must shout and sing , he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings .

  2. 院子里的那只公鸡已经叫了头遍了。

    The cock in the yard crowed its first round .

  3. 他叫铁头纽科姆,公路由小镇往西南方向转的地方是他的第一个农场。

    His name was bunt newcombe , and he had the first farm on the highway that curved southwest from town .

  4. 亲爱的上帝:如果一只狗在树林里发疯似的叫破头,但没被人听到,他还会被当做只坏狗吗?

    Dear God : If a Dog barks his head off in the forest and no human hears him , is he still a bad dog ?

  5. 埃尼斯挑了匹叫雪茄头的栗色马当坐骑,杰克则挑了匹红棕色母马&后来才发现它脾气火爆。

    Ennis picked out a big chestnut called Cigar Butt to ride , Jack a bay mare who turned out to have a low startle point .

  6. 你该叫我蛋头先生,你这暗箭伤人的凶手

    That 's Mr. Potato Head to you , you backstabbing murderer !

  7. 我叫你班头不介意吧?

    Mind if I call you'captain ' ?

  8. 但你耶和华是我四围的盾牌。是我的荣耀,又是叫我抬起头来的。

    But thou , O LORD , art a shield for me ; my glory , and the lifter up of mine head .

  9. 每当他看到孩子们时,都会跑过去,疯狂地喵喵叫,用头碰撞孩子们的手,乞求他们的爱抚。

    Whenever he spied children , he would come running , meowing frantically and bump his head against their hands , begging for their love .

  10. 这种发型在学校里会被比较老土的人叫成“蘑菇头”,但是这并不能阻挡“西瓜头”发型的强势逆袭。

    Those who wore it risked being called a ' mushroom head ' by the less fashion forward at school but that hasn 't prevented the bowl cut from making an unlikely comeback .

  11. 梅毒驴子。你刚刚把Leonard叫成了一头患了性病的驴子。

    Howard : You just called Leonard a syphilitic donkey .

  12. 叫一就攻击头,叫二就打中间。

    Say mind at one and focus at two .

  13. 你得叫我牛锅头。

    You have to call me Niu Guotou .

  14. 叫你把他的头还给他。

    Said he want his whole head back .

  15. 不要把我折磨得跟你自己一样地发疯吧,他叫,扭开他的头,咬着牙。

    ` Don 't torture me till I am as mad as yourself , ' cried he , wrenching his head free , and grinding his teeth .

  16. 他妈的‘红头火柴’要停工,叫他‘红头’变做黑头!

    If that bloody ' Red-tipped Match ' is going to shut down the factory , we 'll go and burn him into a ' blacktipped match ' !

  17. 海德薇的笼子飞到空中,笼门开了,它飞出来,愤怒地高叫一声,头也不回地朝城堡飞去。

    Hedwig 's cage flew through the air and burst open ; she rose out of it with an angry screech and sped off toward the castle without a backward look .