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  • 网络dream culture
  1. 梦文化是中国古代文化的重要组成部分。

    Dream culture is an important part of ancient Chinese culture .

  2. 窥探中国梦文化延续和发展的历史文化内涵&以宋词多梦为例

    On the Historical and Cultural Connotations of the Development of Chinese Dream Culture & Take Dreams in Song Ci as an Example

  3. 梦幻诗是梦文化艺苑中的奇葩异秀。

    Dream poems are a peculiar flower in the garden of dream culture .

  4. 这绝不是作者创作时的一种不经意的巧合,而是深谙中国传统梦文化的一种显现,对梦入文学的精心布置。

    It is not the kind of careless coincidence in the author 's creation , but a kind of demonstration of China 's traditional dream culture , and one kind of " precise arrangement " for dreams to enter literature .

  5. 论庄子之梦的文化地位

    The Position of the Dreams in " The Book of Master Zhuang " in the History of Culture

  6. 从读者反应论看霍译本《红楼梦》文化内容翻译

    The Illumination of Reader 's Response Theory on Cultural Translation in Hawkes ' Version the Story of the Stone

  7. 对立不一,《红楼梦》文化意识解析

    Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . Opposites and Inconsistency , Analyses on the Cultural Consciousness of Dream of Dream of Red Mansions

  8. 《论稿》中关于《红楼梦》文化范畴对文学的叙事功能的多方面阐释,构成了《论稿》理论体系最重要的内容。

    In the book , the explanations of influence of cultural category in A Dream of Red Mansions on its literary narration constitute its theoretical system .

  9. 正是在美国梦主流文化的影响下,威利·洛曼一家和泰伦一家虽然几经努力,却始终无法找到自己的幸福,只能在无休止的家庭冲突中走向毁灭。

    It is under the influence of American dream and mainstream culture that the Lomans and the Tyrones can not find their happiness no matter how hard they try and thus have to accept their doom in endless conflicts of their families .

  10. 《红楼梦》中文化内容翻译探析

    Translation of the Cultural Content in A Dream of Red Mansions

  11. 《红楼梦》:文化的寓言

    A Dream of Red Mansions : A Fable of Chinese Culture

  12. 从《红楼梦》中文化语汇的翻译看交际翻译与语意翻译

    The communicative translation and semantic Translation in A Dream of Red Mansion

  13. 《红楼梦》中文化因素的翻译

    On the Translation of Cultural Elements in Hong Lou Meng

  14. 《红楼梦》之文化学解读

    Understanding the Culture in The Dream of Red Mansion

  15. 中国古代戏曲魂、梦现象的文化阐释

    The Cultural Interpretation of " Soul " and " Dream " in Chinese Ancient Opera

  16. 从性别视角论《红楼梦》女性文化的痴情生命境界

    Spoony Compass of Female Culture in A Dream of Red Mansions from the Viewpoint of Gender

  17. 然而《红楼梦》中文化缺省的翻译对于译者是一大挑战。

    But the translation of cultural default in Hong Lou Meng is a big challenge to translators .

  18. 中国梦是我们文化传统的一部分,是馈赠给我们没一个人的礼物。

    The dream of China is a gift given to each of us as part of our cultural heritage .

  19. 通过摘取霍译本《红楼梦》中文化内容翻译的译例,并对之试做分析,可以看出读者反应论对汉英文化翻译的启示和指导作用。

    This thesis tries to make a brief analysis about the examples concerned with culture translation in Hawks English version of The Stor .

  20. 美国梦是美国文化中的独特现象,它与美国文学的产生和发展紧密相联。

    American Dream , as an unique factor of American culture , is closely connected with the emergence and development of American Literature .

  21. 因此,随着翻译理论的发展,翻译中的文化因素越来越受到重视,这对《红楼梦》中文化因素翻译的研究有着重要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , with the development of translation theories , an ever growing amount of attention has been paid to the cultural factors in translation .

  22. 卡通创作者不二雄1996年逝世,但是他的遗孀藤本正子称,多拉A梦超越了文化、语言的界限,使他受到全世界孩子的喜爱。

    Cartoon creator Fujio passed away in 1996 , but his widow Masako Fujimoto said Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide .

  23. 以往对于《红楼梦》中文化缺省的翻译的研究往往是基于某种具体的翻译策略与方法来进行评论,所以得出的结论也是各不相同。

    The previous studies of the translation of cultural default in Hong Lou Meng are mainly based on some concrete translation strategies and methods , which often cause dispute on the evaluations .

  24. 对于《红楼梦》中文化内容的翻译,前人已经做过大量的研究,但是很少有人专门从花卉文化翻译的方面对其进行探讨。

    Predecessors have made numerous researches on the cultural translation of Hong Lou Meng , but few of them made special discussion on translating Hong Lou Meng from the perspective of flower culture .

  25. 译者只有兼取各种翻译方法之所长,才能忠实再现《红楼梦》的文化内涵,真正起到中西文化交流的目的。

    Only when translators take advantages of both translation methods , can they reproduce the cultural connotation of Hong Lou Meng , achieve the goal of cultural communication between China and Western countries simultaneously .

  26. 由于各国间的文化交流日趋频繁,文化信息的正确传递至关重要。本研究的着眼点是中国文学巨著《红楼梦》的文化翻译。

    This study is an investigation concerned with the cultural translation of Chinese classic Hong Lou Meng in which the correct transmission of the cultural information is very important due to more and more communications between nations .

  27. 《红楼梦》中的文化意象翻译策略初探

    On the Strategies for Cultural Image Translation in Hong Lou Meng

  28. 《红楼梦》中饮食文化内容英译比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Dietetic Culture Translation in Hong Lou Meng

  29. 曹雪芹的《红楼梦》是中华文化的瑰宝。

    A Dream of Red Mansions is the gem of Chinese culture .

  30. 《红楼梦》与民间文化

    The Story of the Stone and Folk Culture