
  • 网络hardwood furniture
  1. 护家小秘笈:硬木家具怎样进行维护与保养?

    Guarding Success Secrets : How to preserve hardwood furniture and maintenance ?

  2. 由于中国人特有的价值观和审美观,产生了以紫檀和黄花梨材料为代表的世界独有的硬木家具。

    As a result of Chinese unique values and aesthetics , unique hardwood furniture represented by rosewood furniture and scented rosewood furniture appeared in ancient China .

  3. 在仿古硬木家具中利用雕刻和镂空工艺的地方比较多,有的地方用布很难处理。

    Use carving more local and unique crafts , Some localities use cloth difficult to deal with .

  4. 电动工具的普及对现代家具制作的效率和成本的降低无疑是巨大的贡献,但对传统硬木家具的制作却起着破坏作用。

    For modern furniture production , the popularity of electric tools is undoubtedly an enormous contribution to processing efficiency and cost reduction , but it plays a destructive role regarding the production of traditional hardwood furniture .