
  • 网络rock;HARD ROCK
  1. 弗雷迪·摩克瑞是英国硬摇滚乐界一颗耀眼的明星。

    Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene .

  2. 火灾发生时80年代的硬摇滚乐队GreatWhite正在进行表演,舞台上燃放的烟火引燃了易燃物电话,引发了火灾。

    The blaze was caused by pyrotechnics that ignited flammable phone during the show featuring the 80s hard rock band , Great White .

  3. 陶喆是金曲奖得主,还因创建交叉体裁的R&B而著名,硬摇滚曲调已经成为他的签名风格,他使R&B音乐曲调在华语乐坛得以闻名。

    Tao is a Golden Melody Award-winner and is well known for creating a crossover genre of R & B and hard rock tunes which has now become his signature style and for having popularized R & B in the Mandopop industry .

  4. 喷火战机乐队以“伪装者”(Pretender)获得最佳硬摇滚表演奖,并以“回声、沉默、耐心和优雅”(Echoes,Silence,Patience&Grace)专辑获得最佳摇滚专辑奖。

    The Foo Fighters won the Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance for " The Pretender ," and Best Rock Album for Echoes , Silence , Patience & Grace .

  5. 1975年的今天,著名硬摇滚乐队齐柏林飞艇发行了经典的双张专辑《肉体涂鸦》。

    1975-Hard rock band Led Zeppelin release the classic double album Physical Graffiti .

  6. 他的哀伤的民谣比他的硬摇滚歌曲更出名。

    He is better known for his lachrymose ballads than hard rock numbers .

  7. 风格包括摇滚,硬摇滚和金属音乐。

    Includes Rock , Hard Rock and Metal .

  8. 他曾学习钢琴,但后来转学吉他,并成为了硬摇滚乐队范海伦乐队的创始成员之一。

    He studied piano but later switched to guitar and was one of the founding members of hard-rocking band Van Halen .

  9. 我喜欢听油渍摇滚、硬摇滚、硬蕊、重金属与死亡快速金属音乐。

    I like to listen to the grunge , hard rock , hard core , heavy metal and death thrush metal music .

  10. 此奖项用于奖励歌曲创作者。包括摇滚,硬摇滚和金属歌曲。限于单曲或一曲歌曲。

    A Songwriter ( s ) Award . Includes Rock , Hard Rock_ & Metal songs . - Singles or Tracks only .

  11. 相较硬摇滚,慢摇滚更善于用富有思想、更加复杂的方式表达浪漫情愫和生活百态。

    Soft rock songs often deal with themes like romantic relationships and everyday life in a thoughtful and complex way hard rock simply couldn 't.

  12. 因为痴迷“珍珠果酱”以及“白色条纹”等乐队的音乐,他的收藏中有很多硬摇滚音乐。

    He 's a big fan of bands like Pearl Jam and the White Stripes , so there 's plenty of hard rock in his collection .

  13. 每当他站起来独奏时,都会使劲儿摇摆,然后响亮地吹上一通,更像是在演奏硬摇滚,而不像爵士乐或摇摆乐。

    When he stood for a solo , he gyrated and played with a blaring tone , more like hard-core rock and roll than jazz or swing .

  14. 与喧嚣、激进的硬摇滚不同,慢摇滚,又名轻摇滚,通过摇滚乐技巧创作出更加柔和、不具威慑力的音乐。

    Compared to hard rock 's loud and aggressive nature , soft rock , or light rock , uses the techniques of rock music to compose a softer and less threatening sound .

  15. 伊基·波普:美国歌手、作曲、特邀演员,被认为是颇具影响力的朋克摇滚、硬摇滚等其他摇滚乐的发明者之一。

    Iggy Pop : An American singer , songwriter , musician , and occasional actor . He is considered an influential innovator of punk rock , hard rock , and other styles of rock music .

  16. 伊基•波普:美国歌手、作曲、特邀演员,被认为是颇具影响力的朋克摇滚、硬摇滚等其他摇滚乐的发明者之一。

    Iggy Pop : An American singer , songwriter , musician , and occasional actor . He is considered an influential innovator of punk rock , hard rock , and other styles of rock music 。

  17. 混成曲通常是来自不同曲作者的一系列乐曲的组合此奖项用于奖励歌曲创作者。包括摇滚,硬摇滚和金属歌曲。限于单曲或一曲歌曲。

    An arrangement made from a series of melodies , often from various sources . A Songwriter ( s ) Award . Includes Rock , Hard Rock_ & Metal songs . - Singles or Tracks only .

  18. 蓝调摇滚是很多当代摇滚乐的前身,重金属和硬摇滚都源自于此,二十一世纪初,蓝调摇滚再次兴起,代表艺人包括约翰•梅尔和黑键乐团。

    As the root for several contemporary rock styles , such as heavy metal and hard rock , blues rock had a rebirth in the early 2000s , with artists including John Mayer and The Black Keys .

  19. 首批公开的3个表情为正在洗桑拿的男人和女人、一部诺基亚3310手机(在智能手机时代之前,这部手机深受许多人喜爱)以及一位重金属摇滚乐迷,最后这个表情体现的是芬兰人对硬摇滚乐的热爱。

    The first three to be unveiled depict a man and woman enjoying a sauna , a Nokia 3310 - beloved by many who remember the pre-smartphone era - and a headbanger , reflecting Finns ' affection for hard rock .

  20. 在城市里,收音机能调出各种流派的音乐:流行乐、硬摇滚、软摇滚/成人现代、灵歌/节奏与布鲁斯、说唱/嘻哈、乡村、爵士、蓝调,甚至还有古典音乐;

    In cities , a survey of radio stations yields music of every kind : pop , hard rock , soft rock / adult contemporary , soul / rhythm and blues , rap / hip-hop , country , jazz , blues , and even classical .

  21. 硬岩石服饰品牌生活类产品包括硬岩石,摇滚乐,由山石灵感而设的服饰品牌。

    Rock hard clothing brand collecton catalog of lifestyle products include hard rock , rock and roll , and rock inspired branded clothing and apparel .