
yìng è
  • hard palate;palatum durum
硬腭 [yìng è]
  • [hard palate] 由骨与肌肉构成的腭的前部

硬腭[yìng è]
  1. 结果直窦平均长(51±5.3)mm;直窦与硬腭水平的夹角为49.6°±7.2°;

    Results The length of the straight sinus was ( 51 ± 5.3 ) mm , and the angle between the straight sinus and the hard palate plane was 49.6 ° ± 7.2 ° .

  2. 平均硬腭长度延长5.5mm。

    The average length of the hard palate increased by 5.5 mm .

  3. 结论多层螺旋CT在腭裂术前能很好地显示腭裂各部位的形态,特别是在轴面上能显示硬腭裂开的程度。

    Conclusion MSCT could excellently display the shape of all lesions before operation , especially the splitting degree of hard cleft palates in the axial images .

  4. 目的:修复硬腭裂隙,观察由聚DL乳酸(PDLLA)制成的可吸收医用膜植入硬腭裂隙后的局部变化及临床效果,为进一步的临床应用提供依据。

    Objective : To study the effects of poly-DL-lactic acid ( PDLLA ) biomembrane in the repair of cleft hard palate .

  5. 方法在贵州小型猪的的硬腭上人工制造0.5cm×2.5cm的骨缺损,术后观察硬组织和软组织的愈合情况。

    Methods 0.5cm × 2.5 cm2 hard tissue defect in hard palate of Guizhou mini-pig .

  6. 分析我院21例鼻咽纤维血管瘤患者的临床治疗资料,鼻侧切开肿瘤切除5例,Fergusson切口肿瘤切除2例,经硬腭径路肿瘤切除15例。

    The clinical data of 21 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma were analysed .

  7. 硬腭区埋伏多生牙25例拔除体会

    Extraction of Supernumerary Tooth in Palate : 25 Cases Report

  8. 游离硬腭粘膜移植眼睑重建术围手术期护理

    Perioperative Nursing Care of Eyelid Construction with Free Palatum Durum Mucosa Graft

  9. 硬腭黏膜移植联合眉上转移皮瓣修复上睑全层缺损

    Treating Completed Eyelid Defect with Hard-palate and a Pedicled Flap above the Eyebrow

  10. 基底层细胞的形态计量学指标对于判断硬腭部癌前病变的价值

    Morphometry of Basal Layer Cells in Evaluation of Premalignant Lesion of the Palate

  11. 腭横缝牵张成骨延长硬腭的实验研究

    Hard palate lengthening by palatal suture expansion : an experimental study in dogs

  12. 鼻中隔偏曲与硬腭高度的关系

    Relationship between the Deflection of Nasal Septum and the Height of Hard Palate

  13. 硬腭裸露对上颌骨生长发育影响的实验研究

    The Influence to Maxillary Growth by Exposed Bone Wound in Hard Palate of Rat

  14. 硬腭游离黏膜移植在种植体周软组织结构重建中的应用

    Clinical study on utilizing free palatal mucosa flap in reconstructing peri-implant attached soft tissue

  15. 婴幼儿硬腭吸附异物8例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Cases of Foreign Body Absorbed on Hard Palate in 8 Infants

  16. 硬腭和无睑板移植物在上眼睑手术中作为后板层替代物

    Hard palate and free tarsal grafts as posterior lamella substitutes in upper lid surgery

  17. 硬腭裸露面积越大,组织结构改变越明显。

    Structures and tissues change more when denuded part of the bone is larger .

  18. 牵引成骨矫治硬腭骨缺损动物模型的建立

    Distraction osteogenesis for correction of cleft palate : establishment of the experimental animal model

  19. 硬腭裂的矫正更为困难,且常不理想。

    Correction of palate clefts is much more difficult and usually not as satisfactory .

  20. 大蒜组大鼠硬腭粘膜涂大蒜注射液,对照组涂等量蒸馏水;

    The control group was applied with distilled water that is equal in quantity .

  21. 中国人男性硬腭的年龄变化研究

    Age estimation with palatine from Chinese males

  22. 眼睑恶性肿瘤切除术后自体硬腭黏膜移植眼睑再造

    Reconstruction of eyelid with hard palate mucosa autograft after resection of malignant tumor of eyelid

  23. 目的应用持续弹力牵引成骨技术进行封闭腭裂、延长硬腭的实验研究,探讨以组织新生方式修复腭裂的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the possibility of closing bony palatal cleft and lengthening hard palate .

  24. 硬腭粘膜移植重建上眼睑的临床观察

    Eyelid reconstruction with hard palate mucosa grafting

  25. 29例并发硬腭瘘,15例软腭悬雍垂裂开。

    There were 29 hard palatal fistulas , 15 dehiscence in soft palate and uvula .

  26. 腭黏膜下裂伴先天性硬腭瘘1例报告

    Congenital perforation in the hard palate with submucous cleft palate : Report of one case

  27. 目的建立一种应用牵引成骨技术矫治硬腭骨缺损畸形的腭裂动物模型。

    Objective To establish an animal model of cleft palate for distraction osteogenesis ( DO ) treatment .

  28. 硬腭小涎腺癌的疗效评价和预后因素分析

    Effectiveness Evaluation and Prognostic Factor Analysis in Patients with Minor Salivary Gland Carcinoma of the Hard Palate

  29. 它还可能导致两腿、鼻子、硬腭和上颌畸形。

    It can also cause deformities of the legs , nose , palate , and upper jaw .

  30. 硬腭裸露骨面面积对上颌骨及牙弓生长发育的影响

    The Influence of Different Area of Palatine Bone Denudation on Maxillary and Dental Arch Growth and Development