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yóu zì
  • still
犹自 [yóu zì]
  • [even] 尚,尚自

  • 现在提起那件事,犹自叫人心惊肉跳

  1. 夏日最后的玫瑰,入秋犹自红。

    The last rose of summer , left blooming alone ;

  2. 犹自奋蹄&我的地理教学生涯与学术思想

    My teaching career in geography and academic ideas

  3. 我引以自傲的是,祖国源远流长,迄今犹自欣欣向荣的文明。

    I am proud of the deep and continuous developing civilization of my mother country .

  4. 阿特金森夫人犹自笑容可掬。

    Lady Atkinson continued smiling .