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yìng gú tou
  • hard bone;a man of iron;a dauntless, unyielding person;person of unyielding integrity
硬骨头 [yìng gú tou]
  • [person of unyielding integrity] 坚强不屈,毫不让步的人

硬骨头[yìng gú tou]
  1. 1999年1月到2月,公司进行了系统环境的建立,基础数据的准备是上海贝尔必啃的一块硬骨头。

    From January of 1999 to February , the company carried on the foundation of the systematic environment , the preparation of the basic data was a hard bone that Shanghai Bell must gnaw .

  2. 可是你还是赌气要和我分手,你知道吗,我的心在那一刻就像蛀牙啃到硬骨头一样阵阵剧痛!

    But you still want a fit of anger and broke up with me , you know , my heart at that moment is like tooth decay , bite into hard bone , like bursts of pain !

  3. 例句:我们抓到的那个间谍是个硬骨头,自从我们开始审讯以来,他一句话也没说。

    The spy we captured is a hard nut ; he hasn 't said a thing since we began the interrogation .

  4. 我们向深度贫困堡垒发起总攻,啃下了最难啃的“硬骨头”。

    We launched the final assault on the fortress25 of entrenched26 rural poverty , and cracked this " hardest nut " .

  5. 我还是让我的老板来啃这块儿硬骨头吧。

    I 'll let my boss crack this hard nut .

  6. 刚才那边那个硬骨头呢?

    What happened to the badass over there ?

  7. 面向服务架构是块硬骨头。

    Service oriented architecture is hard work .

  8. 好一个硬骨头老家伙!

    What a fierce old fellow !

  9. 现在阿勒代斯的硬骨头布莱克本来了,斯科尔斯希望能战而胜之。

    Now , against Sam Allardyce 's struggling Rovers team , Scholesy wants United to kick on .

  10. 我们也想让他去,但他不会吭声的。他是个硬骨头。

    We tried to get him to , but he won 't peep . he 's a tough nut .

  11. 亚当·亨特可是块硬骨头,你真想跟他较量吗?

    Adam Hunt 's a heavy hitter . You sure you want to get in the ring with him ?

  12. 但业内观察人士说,中国是一块硬骨头,亿滋国际要想在中国实现进一步增长会面临更大阻力。

    But industry watchers say China is one tough cookie , and Mondelez is facing bigger obstacles to growth here .

  13. 发展社会经常将受脆弱性和冲突影响的国家简单视为发展的硬骨头。

    Too often , the development community has treated states affected by fragility and conflict simply as harder cases of development .

  14. 它们有能够啃硬骨头的上下颌、颌肌肉和牙齿。

    They have jaws , jaw muscles , and teeth strong enough that they can crush thick bones ( 2 ) .

  15. “他是块难啃的硬骨头,”耶茨中士说。“的确是块硬骨头,”弗林特说。

    ' he 's a hard nut to crack , 'said sergeant yates . 'nut being the operative word , 'said flint .

  16. 虽然这样穷困,但我这副硬骨头始终不屈服,不向有钱的人低头,更不像别人认为女人的出路是找个有钱的丈夫。

    I never yield , never bow to the rich , never think that a woman 's way out is to marry a wealthy man .

  17. 清洁牙齿的时候需要注意&要么有规律的给犬只硬骨头咀嚼,要么要手动去除齿斑菌。

    Cleanliness of teeth requires a bit of attention – either give your dogs regular hard bones to chew or remove the plaque build up manually .

  18. 目前,横在我们和欧冠联赛之间的硬骨头叫做曼城,当然还有块不好啃的骨头叫热刺。

    At the present time there is an obstacle between us and CL football called Manchester City , with a hurdle in between called Tottenham Hotspurs .

  19. 在其坚毅的战士人格的熏陶下,当代作家继承了他鲜明的爱憎立场和为捍卫真理而献身的硬骨头精神。

    Inspired by his strong personality , they have also inherited his distinctive attitudes towards love and hatred and his brave spirit of devoting his life to the defense of truth .

  20. 实际上,资深的开发人员在预测那样的“硬骨头”方面并不会做得更好。他们只是更相信,那个神秘的硬骨头最终会出现。

    In fact , senior developers don 't get that much better at predicting the hard stuff ; they get better at guessing that mysterious hard stuff will eventually rear its head .

  21. 紧急设计的魅力之一是有这样的认识:我们不能可靠地预测什么会变成硬骨头,但是我们应该对此保持警惕。

    Part of the appeal of emergent design is the realization that we cannot reliably predict what is going to be tough , but we should keep a wary eye out for it .

  22. 他们受了训练,他们做好了准备,他们睡了好几千年的觉,他们跑了大老远来啃这块硬骨头,看在老天爷的份上他们一定要把它给啃了。

    They were trained , theywere ready , they 'd had a couple of thousand years'sleep , they 'd come along way to do a tough job and by Zarquon they were going to do it .