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  • 网络blind cat
  1. 瞎猫的悲剧

    Tragedy of a blind cat

  2. 马虎做事也有成功的,一句俗语叫:瞎猫碰到死耗子。

    Work to also have a success cursorily , a common saying cries : blind cat comes up against dead mouse .

  3. 这比他们任何人做的都强,如果这是瞎猫逮着死耗子,那么我不在乎。

    That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck , that was fine with me .

  4. 不过,这种表现并不是瞎猫碰上死耗子,他最近一直有很好的发挥。比如对切尔西和西汉姆的比赛。

    However , the display was no one-off but rather part of a collection of recent showings that have also taken in wins over Chelsea and West Ham United .

  5. 一些个村民私下里说,这是老刷希巴讲过的唯一一句真正贤明的话。然后,在一场短暂的争论之后,大家又认定他不过是瞎猫碰上死耗子。

    Some of the villagers had privately said that this was the only properly wise thing they 'd ever heard Thrashbarg say , and after a short debate on the matter , had put it down to chance .

  6. 跳上来骑在我的后面,他低声说,一会儿我们就远远地离开这群瞎叫的猫了。

    ' Jump up behind me ' he whispered , ' and we 'll get shot of the screaming cats in a jiffy !

  7. 在英国,一个女人养了一只瞎狗和两只猫。

    In England , a woman raised a blind dog and two cats .

  8. 即使一只瞎松鼠也有发现一个橡子的时候。(瞎猫也有碰上死耗子的时候。)

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while .

  9. 送进该收容所后,所内工作人员发现,原来那只猫的眼睛已经瞎了,所以这只仁慈的母狗便成了瞎猫的好朋友兼守护者。

    After they were dropped off at the shelter the staff discovered that the cat was blind so the gentle female dog was both his protector and friend .