
qiào wěi ba
  • be cocky;get cocky;be on the high ropes;stick one's tail up;be haughty and snooty
翘尾巴 [qiào wěi bā]
  • [get cocky] 比喻骄傲或自鸣得意

  • 我这个人最大的毛病就是爱翘尾巴

翘尾巴[qiào wěi ba]
  1. 别一有成绩就翘尾巴。

    Don 't get cocky when you 've achieved something .

  2. 我们不能骄傲自大,不能翘尾巴。

    We should never become arrogant and cocky .

  3. 水库运用水位的选择与翘尾巴问题

    Selection for Water Level of Reservoir Operation and Terminal Back-water Deposition

  4. 我就希望有人看到我这个人不摆架子、不翘尾巴,做一个普通的人最好。

    I hope that other people could consider me an ordinary and humble person .

  5. 淤地坝淤积面有一定的纵比降,尾部存在显著的翘尾巴现象。

    The depositing surface of soil-retaining dams has certain vertical gradient , the tail exists obvious phenomenon of " raising tails " .

  6. 我希望,我们所有的同志,首先是老同志,不要翘尾巴,而要夹紧尾巴,戒骄戒躁,永远保持谦虚进取的精神。

    I hope all our comrades , and veteran comrades most of all , will , so to speak , tuck their tails between their legs rather than stick them up , guard against conceit and rashness , always remain modest and keep forging ahead .

  7. 猫用脚趾走路,非常轻,昂着头,翘着尾巴。

    A cat walks very lightly on its toes , head and tail held high .

  8. 第二天,托比头抬得高高的翘着尾巴走在街上。

    The next day , Toby walked on the street with his head held high and his tail up .

  9. 直直地翘起来的尾巴通常表示欢迎,这时你就知道猫咪是乐于与你相见的。

    A tail held straight in the air is often used as a greeting , so you know your kitty is happy to see you .