
  • 网络Hard disk interface;sata;ide
  1. 第一个用于1.5Gbit/s串行硬盘接口,采用改进的结合延迟单元的鉴频鉴相器,用0.18μMCMOS工艺流片并测试,结果表明功能完全实现。

    The first is for 1.5Gbit/s SATA interface , using modified phase and frequency detector with delay cell . It is fabricated in 0.18 μ m CMOS process and tested , and the functions are realized .

  2. 基于ARM系统硬盘接口的使用和文件管理

    The Usage of Hard Disk Interface and File Management Based on ARM System

  3. 基于FPGA的IDE硬盘接口卡的实现

    IDE Hard Disk Interface Card realized by FPGA

  4. 对硬盘接口串行ATA的分析

    A study on ATA of serial harddisk interface

  5. SerialATA即串行ATA是一种完全不同于并行ATA的新型硬盘接口类型,由于采用串行方式传输数据而知名。

    Serial ATA is a kind of ATA that is totally different from parellel ATA and it is well known for its serial data transmission .

  6. 作为一个完整的网络安全系统,对存储空间的要求非常苛刻,本系统采用双SCSI硬盘接口,多硬盘循环存储的机制来保证审计工作的运作。

    As a complete network security system , NSAS has an exact demand to the memory space of computer . The system adopts double SCSI hard-disk interface and multiple-hard-disk circulating memory to guarantee the auditing work .

  7. 其次,论文深入研究了ATA/ATAPI-7协议,分析了硬盘接口的工作原理以及主机与硬盘之间的通信协议。

    Secondly , we studied ATA / ATAPI-7 protocol as well as communication between the host and the hard disk .

  8. 指纹加密模块与微硬盘SOC接口的设计

    Design of the Interface between Fingerprint Identification Module and SOC Module of the Encrypted Micro Hard Disk

  9. 为了采集后进行大量数据的转移,进入相应的后续处理,本设计中设计了USB与硬盘的接口,设计完成了简易的移动硬盘,方便了数据的识别和转移。

    For the convenience of transferring of the collecting data , we used interface of USB in the design and fulfilled the design of a simple portable hard disk .

  10. 固态硬盘的接口规范和定义、功能及使用方法上与普通硬盘的相同,在产品外形和尺寸上也与普通硬盘一致。

    Solid-state hard drive interface specification and definition , function and usage of ordinary hard drive with the same shape and size of product is also consistent with the ordinary hard disk .

  11. 在硬件结构方面介绍了硬盘的外部接口和控制电路,在内部结构方面介绍了磁头组件,盘片和磁头驱动器等。

    Introduced in the hardware structure of the external hard drive interface and control circuit , introduced in the internal structure of the head components , disk drives and heads .

  12. 驱动器上的缓存容量、所使用的硬盘算法、接口速度和磁录密度组合到一起,就构成了磁盘传输时间。

    When combined , the cache capacity on the drive , the disk algorithms used , the interface speed , and the areal density , produce a disk transfer time .

  13. 硬盘对外传输接口的峰值速度有3Gb/s或6Gb/s可选,持续顺序数据传输率可达128MB/s。

    It is available at3 Gb / s and6 Gb / s interface speeds ( which SATA just achieved ), and has a sustained sequential data rate of128 MB / sec .

  14. 完成了硬盘加密卡的接口设计,能够同时满足IDE硬盘接口时序以及DES加密模块的数据输入/输出要求。

    Finished the interface design of the hard disk encrypting device , made it satisfyed the time seqnence of IDE-interface and in / export request of the DES module .

  15. 它除了数字电视接收外,还具有硬盘录像、宽带接口等功能,以适应信息时代、网络时代对高级机顶盒的多媒体功能要求。

    It has the functions of PVR and Ethernet interface except digital receiver , so as to adapt multimedia demand for STB in the information and network age .

  16. 系统使用的COMPACTFLASH电子硬盘,具有标准硬盘(IDE)接口,应用广泛,控制方便并且已经成为行业标准。

    The COMPACT FLASH electronic hard disk that is used by this system has standard IDE interface , is easy to control , be widely used and has become a industry standard .