
yóu xì ɡǎn
  • joystick
  1. 游戏者用游戏杆之类的触觉设备玩游戏。

    Players use a haptic device such as a joystick to control the game .

  2. 采用游戏杆来作为系统的外部操纵输入设备,并在Linux系统框架下进行游戏杆接口程序的开发。

    The joystick is taken as the external controlled input device and the interface program for the joystick is developed in the Linux system .

  3. 由于本文设计的MCU和USB中控制器IP核主要是针对鼠标、键盘、游戏杆等低速功能设备,所以本设计中设备控制器只实现了控制传输,中断传输两种数据传输类型。

    Because the MCU & USB device controller IP core designed in this paper mainly aims to low speed functional device like mouse , keyboard and joystick , the design of device controller only implements control transferring and interrupt transferring .

  4. 该软件系统包括三个部分:1.游戏杆控制。

    Software system includes three parts : 1 . Joystick control .

  5. 要测试游戏杆的校准情况,请移动游戏杆

    To test your joystick 's calibration , move the joystick

  6. 两个两轴,两按钮游戏杆共享一个游戏端口

    " Two2-axis , 2-button joysticks on one gameport "

  7. 如果游戏杆在游戏中工作不正常,请单击重置

    If your joystick no longer works correctly with a game , click Reset

  8. 显示/隐藏多媒体设备(声卡、游戏杆等)

    Shows / Hides multimedia devices ( sound card , joystick , etc. )

  9. 我用椅子上的游戏杆来导航鼠标,点击我要点击的地方。

    I use the joystick on my chair to navigate the mouse and click on what I want .

  10. 为确定控制器的中心位置,请将您的游戏杆放在中心位置,然后按下游戏杆的一个按钮。

    To confirm your controller 's center position , leave its handle centered , and then press a button on the controller .

  11. 要确认游戏杆的中心位置,请使其握柄位于中心,然后按下游戏杆的某一按钮。

    To confirm your joystick 's center position , leave its handle centered , and then press one of your joystick 's buttons .

  12. 操作者在客户端通过观察图像和距离信息,操纵游戏杆控制远程的移动机器人完成基本的运动和避开障碍物的运动。

    Operator uses the joystick to control remote mobile robot to complete basic movement and avoid the obstacle with the use of the feedback image and distance information .

  13. 日本是“拇指文化”的典范,处在这个文化氛围中的人们都能够熟练地用他们的拇指操作手机键盘、游戏杆、笔记本电脑指示钮以及任何可以用拇指操作键盘的仪器。

    By which people are skilled at using their thumbs to manipulate objects such as mobile phone keys , small joysticks , notebook computer pointers and any gadget with the thumb acting on the keypad .

  14. 力反馈控制器作为虚拟现实和遥操作系统中的力控制/力反馈设备,它的形式多种多样,有游戏杆、方向盘、数据手套、外骨架、手操纵器等等;

    The force feedback manipulator as a force control / display device has all kinds of types , such as joystick , steering wheel , data gloves , exoskeleton or hand manipulator and so on .

  15. 你能移动加亮了游戏操纵杆钥匙的钮扣。

    You can move highlighted button by joystick keys .

  16. 还记得曾经的那些游戏操纵杆和角色操控设备吗?

    Remember joysticks ? Those old things you used to control your game characters ?

  17. 孩子们在电脑上玩这些游戏,用控制杆控制电脑屏幕上出现的武器和动作。

    Children play them on computers , using a joystick to control the weapons and movements they see on the computer screen .

  18. 添加、删除或配置游戏控制器硬件,如游戏杆和游戏板。

    Add , remove , and configure game controller hardware such as joysticks and gamepads .

  19. 在基于PC技术游戏的发展过程中,经历了由游戏控制杆、键盘到鼠标的变换。

    During the development of PC game , the game control method is changing from game joystick , keyboard to mouse .

  20. 一个游戏端口上有两个轴、两个按钮的游戏杆

    Two 2-axis , 2-button joysticks on one gameport