
yóu lè yuán
  • amusement park;fun house;recreation ground;pleasance
  1. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。

    The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive .

  2. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。

    The amusement park is open May through October .

  3. 这是美国以外最大的主题游乐园。

    It 's the biggest theme park outside the United States .

  4. 孩子们觉得乔治湖村是个绝妙的游乐园。

    Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks .

  5. 她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。

    Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country .

  6. 我会在游乐园入口处等你。

    I 'll wait for you at the entry to the amusement park .

  7. 演讲比赛后他们要去游乐园。

    They are going to the amusement park after the speech contest .

  8. 那个游乐园什么时候游客多?

    When does that amusement park have lots of tourist ?

  9. 我们决定去游乐园。

    We decided to go to an amusement park .

  10. 将来,你会在电影院、游乐园、购物中心或便利店花多少时间?

    In the future , how much time will you spend in movie theaters , at amusement parks , at shopping malls , or at convenience stores ?

  11. 这种设备多见于游乐园、商场、宾馆游戏室以及超市和打折商场门外。

    Kiddie rides are commonly available in amusement parks , malls , hotel game rooms and outside supermarkets and discount department stores .

  12. 埃迪是一名退伍老兵,每天都在修理游乐园里的各种设施。他觉得自己的存在毫无价值,过得非常苦闷。

    Eddie , a war veteran who spends his days repairing amusement park rides , is less than thrilled with his seemingly pointless existence .

  13. 谢谢你,May,但我觉得我会带他们去逛北京很多不同的地方,游乐园应该只是很小的一部分。

    Nick : Thank you , May , but I think I will take them tomanydifferent places in Beijing , and amusement parks will only beasmall part of their tour .

  14. 俄亥俄州CedarPoint游乐园的站立过山车,游客全程都是站着体验的哦。

    Stand-up roller coaster at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio designed to have the passengers stand through the course of the ride .

  15. 丹麦LEGO计划出售游乐园

    LEGO is Planing to Sell Amusement Park in Danmark

  16. 据《今日以色列报》(IsraelHayom)报道,在以色列北部一个模仿几个世纪前人类生活的游乐园中,将推出驴背上的Wi-Fi上网服务。

    In northern Israel an amusement park which recreates life from centuries ago is to offer Wi-Fi Internet access from its donkeys , as Israel Hayom reports .

  17. 同时它也想要这位歌手卖掉梦幻庄园牧场(NeverlandRanch),这个曾经拥有游乐园和动物园的天王住家,在这里,发生过引发争议的儿童过夜事件。

    It also wants the singer to sell his Neverland Ranch , the home of his private amusement park and menagerie and site of his controversial sleepovers with young children .

  18. KfarKedem游乐园模仿古代加利利人的生活,该游乐园的运营商Hoshaya却紧跟时代潮流,它让游客能够在骑着毛驴时查阅电子邮件、在Facebook页面上发布照片。

    Hoshaya , which operates the Kfar Kedem recreational attraction ( which simulates life in ancient Galilee ) , will now propel itself into the modern age and allow visitors to check their email and post photos on their Facebook pages while riding donkeys .

  19. KfarKedem游乐园的经理戈德堡(MenachemGoldberg)决定为园中的每头驴配备一个无线路由器,与公共汽车上使用的类似。

    Kfar Kedem site manager Menachem Goldberg decided to equip each donkey with a wireless router , similar to the ones used on public buses . '

  20. 主题游乐园分区景观研究

    Study on the Landscape of the Dividual Parts in Theme Park

  21. 在游乐园中,到处都可以看到中英文双语标识。

    Throughout the park , signs are in Chinese and English .

  22. 我带我儿子去游乐园。

    I 'm taking my IittIe boy to the amusement park .

  23. 和你的孩子好好享受游乐园吧。

    Have a good time with your kids at six flags .

  24. 生态乐园是一种以生态性为主要特征的游乐园。

    Eco-Eden is a kind of amusement park characterized by ecology .

  25. 游乐园里母亲们追逐着自己的孩子。

    The mothers chased around their children in the amusement park .

  26. 我是曼达瓦瑞尔斯,这个游乐园的主人。

    I 'm Emile mondevarious , the owner of this amusement park .

  27. 离心力是许多游乐园设施的基本原理。

    Centrifugal force is the basic principle lot of amusement park facilities .

  28. 你喜欢去北京游乐园吗?

    Would you like to go to Beijing Theme Park ?

  29. 游乐园的秋千链子在黑暗中嘎嘎作响。

    The chains of playground swings rattled in the dark .

  30. 这是一个在英国的游乐园。

    This is an amusement park in the United Kingdom .